
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tidying lead to a quilt center

I didn't think I was going to have any time this weekend for quilting. However, after almost 3 hours of prepping this morning, I decided that enough time was spent on it; I feel I'm ready for the week well enough.

Yesterday afternoon, my mother (visiting for the weekend) and I went shopping for fabrics for the quilt she requested a few months ago for their "new bedroom." Come to find out, they haven't even painted their bedroom yet!!!! Guess I don't feel so bad anymore.

The quilt pictured was a google find, and thankfully my mother liked the simple elegance of it (... keyword being SIMPLE!)

I fell in love with it; both for the ease of pattern and for the simple geometric beauty of it. Plus---she needs it in King size! This will be the first quilt I will have made where I spared no cost. All the fabric for the top was purchased at full quilt shop prices ('cept for the 20% discount for finishing off TWO bolts. THAT worked out nicely!) With all the batting that my mother has purchased for me, it's really the least I can do.

So, when I headed downstairs today, I had full intensions of cutting into some LOVELY new fabric!!!!

However, since I haven't been sewing much, I wanted to do some tidying up from my previous projects. Blue-n-Gold Pride scraps were cut down and filed into drawers.....

And these Buckeye Beauty units have been moved around for the past two months. I wasn't about to move them around one more time.....therefore they were sewed up, and added to my design wall.

These blocks have been up on the wall for the past month. Rather than have them spend another few months up there, I sewed them too.

And a 64"x80" quilt center was pieced. An inner border is yet to come, and perhaps a pieced border using these extra 4-patch blocks I found....

Unfortunately, this WILL now be set aside until I decide to get back to it again.

Paul snuck downstairs and took a picture of Caitlyn hanging around with me.

Time for me to make sure we're ready for Halloween tomorrow. Nothing like the last minute.


  1. I love the googled pic... where did you find it? I got a little sewing in this weekend... after losing power for 7 hours yesterday.

    Hope you have a good week. I'm looking forward to Veteran's Day.. a day off!

  2. Wow you were on a roll today! I haven't done any sewing for two weeks now, been out of town playing in the woods, with the jeeps and friends. Finally dusted off the machine and did a bit of sewing myself, nothing like I normally do, or like you did today. But I still have time tonight to do a little bit more, and then tomorrow too.

  3. Really? You finished 17 projects, while "tidying up"? How do you do it?!

  4. Those are lovely fabrics and will make a beautiful quilt. I really like the simplicity and symmetry of the planned quilt design.

  5. You accomplished so much with piecing an entire quilt top! Hope the girls have fun on Halloween!

  6. You got all that done and I prepped 5 applique blocks. But when I have to be away so much, it is hard to sew. Maybe I need to figure out how to get a machine in the cab of DH's pickup and then I could get something done. ;-)
