
Monday, December 26, 2011

A "NERF" Christmas - 2011

The girls were super excited to see presents under the tree Saturday morning! I'm super glad Santa is an understanding soul...he was willing to stop by the house on his way to Australia so that we could all enjoy a day of gifts and play since we needed to be on the road on Christmas day.

Even Dad was on Santa's "good" list this year...

Candace was super delighted that she finally received a NERF gun...

And after the initial NERF WAR commenced, Dad needed to doctor up the "extra" darts in order to fit his Automatic Tommy-20 gun....

I found myself dodging bullets for much of the morning!

While the rest of the family was Nerf-warring away.... I was slowly slowly slowly working on Cassie's birthday puzzle. My goodnesss!!!!! I lose patience with puzzles!!!

As for quilting....with a week of vacation, I will get some machine time in. I'm not in much of a hurry (yet).

Today's agenda-----Snowtubing! Pictures to come later - promise!


  1. What a great day! I plan to do lots of sewing this week too. How nice to have a much needed week off. I love the shot of your husband chopping off the darts with a cleaver.

  2. Looks like you guys had great fun! We did too! Looking forward to a week of quilting-I need it to catch up on the Orca Bay mystery!Merry Christmas & all the best in 2012!

  3. Sounds like the day was busy dodging all those darts. Love the photo of hubby "fixing" his darts so they That's something mine would do. Hope Christmas Day was as much fun and you all enjoyed yourselves.
