
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Orca Bay & Puzzle progress

My quilting mojo is slow on the return. I spend a couple of hours today cutting and sewing the 350 HSTs needed for step #3...

And pressing....UGH! Wasn't in the mood today at ALL for pressing........{{goodness! You think I need to wash that iron board cover?}} after pressing about 60 HSTs, I headed up to make dinner.....


and never made it back down. Not in the mood :\

HOWEVER! Cassie and I were successful at finishing up the puzzle together!!!!

500 pieces; Age recommendation: 13+. It got easier once the pieces were getting filled.....but HARD to start!

So now....she's ripping into her new 500 piece from Christmas; another wolf one. We hope to pick up some puzzle-glue tomorrow or Thursday in order to glue and frame today's puzzle for her room. It's quite neat in that it glows in the dark. We tested it out. I attempted taking a picture of it, but it didn't turn out.....all black....too dark.

So now....I think I'll relax with Cassie on the new puzzle. Or read.... or ...... *shrug*.... just relax.

Happy Tuesday


  1. Happy Tuesday. The ironing on the HST units got me bogged down for a bit as well. It got easier when I interspersed it with some string blocks for variety. Congratulations on getting the puzzle done! It will be perfect for Cassie's room.

  2. Sounds like you and I are on the same step of Orca Bay. I only have about 50 sewn together though. My wrist is hurting from cutting the triangles out. I worked a little on another UFO and then have been reading.
    Maybe we will both have our mojo back by tomorrow...

  3. You need some down time now and then, and then you will get your mojo back. I have the opposite problem right now, I want to go sew, but can't find the time.

  4. Mojo comes and go's.. and I found for me if I push it when I'm not in the mood I don't enjoy what I'm doing.

    I like Cassie's t-shirt BTW :o)

    Puzzles are a great way to spend time and do something mindless.

    Hope you have a good day!

  5. Looks like a complicated puzzle. My niece always talks me into doing them with her and then disappears until the end when only a few pieces are left. I don't mind though as I love putting them together.

    As for your sewing mojo, I'm struggling a bit with mine as well. I had the entire day set aside to sew, but just didn't feel like it. Of course, sewing and pressing 350 HST's doesn't sound like the most fun task either. Enjoy your vacation (whatever that entails); it will all too quickly come to an end!

  6. Amy, I found your blog through the NYE Mystery Quilt posts. My, but you're a busy girl! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

    My family were big puzzlers, too, and we do quite a lot of them at school. We found that we could use diluted Elmer's glue to fix the completed puzzles. Just thin it a bit, dump it onto the puzzle, and "massage" it in. When it's dry, it's completely clear; flip it and do the same on the back. Everyone who participates gets to sign the back - for posterity.
