
Monday, January 23, 2012

Attitude :0)

Seriously.....WHERE does the time go day-to-day??? It's January 23rd?!?!? What happen to the other 22 days of January so far? It seems like I blink and the day is over; time at school Fah-LIES by....**insert ZOOM sound affect** and then by the time I tidy my classroom, try to keep things neat and organized for my next day, pick up the girls, get home to make dinner (or HUG Paul when HE makes dinner!!!), shoosh Cassie off to basketball or Destination Imagination, help Caitlyn with her homework, keep Candace out of the other sisters' hair, send them off to bed and put my feet up to breathe..... It's 10:00 WAY too soon most evenings......and I KNOW I need to get my lil' tooshie to bed otherwise I'll pay for it the next day when it all repeats itself......**pant-pant** {{of course, I failed to mention all my evening school work that also gets fit in there}} :D

And lately the weekends have been just as crazy-busy **enter car horn sound**'s almost like a new voice has taken over control"COME ON!!! We've got things to do! Gotta get there, gotta be here, gotta prep for next week's classes"

Oh my word.....



I keep smiling!

Afterall, it's ALLLLLLLL about attitude!

Oh, lil' are SO RIGHT! You are my new buddy!

Are you still smiling?????

Oh, and nope :( Not a whole lotta quiltin' going on.


  1. I have missed you! Everyday I look for your blog and was beginning to wonder...glad you checked in even though you haven't had a chance to sew!

  2. I know what your mean. I can't believe January is almost over! Time flies whether you are having fun or not...It's hard to fit everything in. I don't blog everyday because I run out of time. Something's got to give sometimes. Just hang in there and let us hear from you. I hope you get a chance to sew/quilt and blog. Relax and breathe, no pressure here. We will be here when you get a chance to post.

  3. I so remember days like that. But the worst thing is how quickly the time will fly till the girls don't need you to look after them so much and you'll have more time to yourself. And then - if you're anything like me - the school work will somehow expand to fill the extra time!

  4. Right there with you... end of marking period blues. Busy, busy, busy.

    I did get to sew a little yesterday while home for a 'snow/ice' day.

    Hope you get to sew soon also!

  5. Someday it will be summer. Until then, any little minute is a gift. Glad you are surviving. Hope you can stay happy.
