
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some scrap work...

Something new to play around with this morning: Rainbow Scrap strings. This block is the 12" March BOM through the Craftsy BOM, so I grabbed my red, green, and pink strings to create another style of block for Angela's monthly rainbow scrap challenge (in addition to the Jack-in-the-Box blocks).

And with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge still on my mind, I pieced together the bonus triangles from the pink blocks yesterday.

My leader-ender area has started mounding up with Jamestown Landing units, so I pressed them up to have a neatly organized area next to my sewing machine again. (Hm, think I need to wash my ironing board cover??)

More tidying consisted of piecing together a few more Scrappy Pieces. They certainly don't make me Ohh-and-Ahh, but I'm hoping if I continue with these, the sheer amount will make the quilt seem cool-n-amazing. Besides, they are super easy and burn through all those icky-yucky scraps that have been sitting and sitting in some of my boxes.

The 2011/12 NYE mystery was also loaded onto the quilting frame and one pass completed. (I actually did this yesterday afternoon). :0)

For those of us in the northern part of the USA, we are now on our fourth day of AMAZING weather!!!!! 80's today......absolutely GORGEOUS and record-breaking temperatures. In fact, we slept with the windows open last night......MARCH SEVENTEENTH, and the WINDOWS are open at night. Cah-razy!


  1. When you make progress, you really make progress! I see you changed up the bonus pinwheels are now not pinwheels! I like the scrappy strings...that is going to look great too. My NYE mystery is at the we may get those done about the same time too. It is cold here in AZ today, but glad you guys are getting some sunshine!

  2. Looks like a great quilting day for you. All those little odds and ends can add up over time. Hope you are still enjoying your amazing weather. It is supposed to hit 90 here today and the air conditioner is already running full blast. Yikes!

  3. The more I see that mystery the more I like it.

    congrats on all the good work... and enjoy the weather... I just opened the windows today!

  4. The weather is amazingly beautiful here too!
    Great string blocks!
