
Friday, April 6, 2012

Garden Prep and a Birthday

I figured it was time to get this post written seeing that all of these "garden prep" pictures were taken last Sunday!

We have been asking my parents for the past two years if they would be willing to bag up leaves they rake up each fall. And of course they come through. THANKS MOM!!! {{as a side-note, now that Mom is freshly retired (first full week of retirement under her belt), she should have LOADS of time to help bag leaves for their OWN garden :0)}}

Anyway.....Cassie and Candace helped load up bags onto the tractor bucket in order to deliver them to the garden.
Meanwhile, Caitlyn spent some time raking out some "old" dead stems from last year's growing season
Kicking around the piles of leaves to spread them out..... turned into play time?

What's a kid to do, right?!?!?!

Strawberries having a good seasonal beginning.

Paul moved a group of chickens we had to a new run. They immediately took to the grass!
All except this one. She watched from the doorway for quite some time before venturing out.

The day was another warm (unseasonal) day. So, it kept me away from my sewing machine; therefore, NO QUILTING PICS to share :0( That should change with my 4-day weekend looming ahead of me :0)

We celebrated Caitlyn's 8th birthday yesterday.

I wish she would show a little excitement :0)

Cassie informed me of a Highest Points award she earned with her Accelerated Reader points, so I took the camera to school yesterday to get a snapshot. I'm certainly happy that she enjoys reading so much.

So...that's a quick update! Not much writing but lots of pictures :0)
I'm looking forward to a weekend HOME for the holiday! As badly as the house needs a top-to-bottom cleaning...... I don't have the gumption right now this minute to take it on. Rather......some coffee, a bagel and a couple of hours in my sewing room sound AMAZING!!!!!

Happy Friday


  1. I am glad to see that you definitely have your priorities in the right order. Wonderful pics of the kids - I love that they enjoy helping with the garden chores!

  2. Happy Good Friday! Hope you find lots of time this weekend for the yard, the kids AND the sewing machine.
