
Monday, May 28, 2012

Big Mama's been holding out!

So, yesterday I get a text from Paul saying that a surprise will be waiting when we arrive back home from the LAST of my graduation parties this weekend.  {{This graduating class is AMAZING!!!}}

As soon as we were in the driveway, Paul says....."Come on, and grab the camera."
We haven't seen Big Mama out-n-about so much lately, and we (okay ME) were beginning to wonder if something happened to her;  or if she was distancing herself from the rest of the clutch  :(  
But as soon as we neared her, she fluffed up allllll big...

That little turkey!!! She's been hiding eggs from us NOT in the coop, and she hatched out seven little ones RIGHT under our noses.

Yes, yes.....quite a fun little surprise!  Since we have lost some chickens to wild life lately, we are hoping some of these lil' ones are hens and not roosters.

"Peckers" is the only rooster in the yard right now, so we know who the daddy is.  

And since the camera was outside, we continued snapping other shots of the day.....

The clothesline in use again.  ((THANKS AGAIN Paul!!!!)

Dotty being lazy!  Plumping herself right in the feeding trough.... goodness.

And the party happening by the lilac bushes!

At one point, I counted 17 bumblebees (that I could see!).  

The sky is looking a bit overcast, but the radar is only showing a little cluster of (potential) rains, so we're relaxing this AM.  I don't plan on visiting my quilting room quite yet;  I have waited this long, what's one more week????  School's out on Friday, and then Cassie has a softball tournament Friday night and Saturday.  The days of summer are approaching!!!!  After this amazing weekend.....I can't wait!


  1. Oh I miss the lilacs of May in Wisconsin! Seriously makes the snow just about worth it! Love the hen's surprise and hope there are lots of girls in the group!

  2. How exciting. I must admit to being a little scared of chickens, well fully grown ones anyway. Have a great week.

  3. What a beautiful life, Amy! Wish we could leave the city and join you in farm style living.
    As it is, I am going to have to be content with being a stay at home mom this year.

  4. What a wonderful post! I enjoyed every one of your pictures. Thank you for sharing with us. I hung clothes out on my line for the first time this summer just this morning. My lilac bloomed in March this year, so the blooms are long gone. Even the irises and peonies are all gone. Kind of weird for flowers to bloom so early. I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer. I love reading your blog.

  5. Beautiful photos of all the wonderful adventures at your place!

  6. The baby chicks are adorable, the children working awesome, the pig cute, flowers and butterflies gorgeous, but 17 bumblebees, that would be courageous. I usually duck and run.
