
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Scrappy Picnic - finished

A Scrappy Picnic (73" x 73")

I started with this grid-circuit style quilting, but soon tired of it......

so one row has some swirls....

some playing with stars and fillers....

some zigzaggy randomness....

and some loopy-loops.

I knew this quilt would be staying with me, so I figured I could play around with some quilting.  It's something that I never do!  I stay with my pantographs;  my comfort zone.....I never allow for "play and practice" time.  

I know practice makes perfect, but....... I think I'll be sticking with my pantographs. 



  1. Congrats on a quilty finish! I'm trying some of those loopy things on a border and it is HARD to keep them somewhat even. Looks like you had some fun with your designs!

  2. Awesome to do some out of the box quilting...I think it looks great!

  3. I think it looks like a good 'useful' quilt and I really like the random quilting patterns, it breaks up the even-ness of the pattern. I know that I get bored doing the same pattern all over a quilt and tend to break it up a bit.

  4. PS - I really like the block pattern, very modern and fresh looking. Is it one of your own design, or did you find it somewhere?

  5. Love it!! Very simple but it moves!!!! congratulations on the finish!

  6. Quilting is supposed to be fun and this quilt and the quilting look very fun. Nice finish!

  7. LOVE the quilting on this one! I think it looks great with all the fun patterns. The more you play with all the different free motion patterns, the easier it gets, but keeping it even is always a trick. So gad you are getting some quilting done.
