
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


One nice by-product of Paul starting so early on their new job is that it also gets me out of bed nice-n-early.  His alarm tolls at 5:10AM, and I have been rolling out around 5:30AM to make coffee and send him off to his work.  This morning, I was downstairs shortly after 6:00AM to finish piecing the additional prepped Starstruck blocks.  My total stands at 52 right now..... that's not really a nice multiple for a quilter. options:  make 4 more blocks to allow for a 7x8 layout (approx. 56x64 with no borders or sashing) OR make 11 more for a 7x9 layout (approx. 56x72).  

Those options will be mulled over during my 5-hour drive to my sister's house.  For now, the Bernina was carefully packed up, and three projects neatly organized in some totes/shoe boxes.  Three doesn't seem too ambitious for a 4-day stay, does it?  
  • Starstruck 2.5" strips packed for more blocks - in BLUE (and neutral)
  • Pineapple Blossoms prepped units were packed for piecing - totally SCRAPPY
  • Jamestown Landing units were packed at my L/E project - in BLUE (my broken dish blocks are almost completed--ALL leader-ender created)

 Happy Tuesday everyone!


  1. No, that isn't too ambitious. Are you going to get your sister to sew too? Maybe she will do ironing duty and double your productivity. Of course, assuming you want to visit with your sister or sleep or eat, three quilts in 4 days might be too much. Enjoy your visit.

  2. Have a great time! Hope you get lots of sewing and visiting time!

  3. I like to take several when I travel too!
    I don't always take the machine, but do like to take a couple of cut them outs.

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who would think to take the machine and projects on a visit :o)

    Have fun!

  5. I don't think you're too ambitious, you don't have to finish every single thing and it gives you more to share. I'm getting ready to start a star struck next and googled and found yours with the sashing and cornerstones. It was quite stunning, are you doing them again for this one?

  6. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you - can't wait to see what you come home with! :)

  7. or just make 2 more and use them in the corners, making the quilt 6 x 7. :)

  8. oops- you can tell I am not a math teacher I mean 6 x 8 :)

  9. Knowing you, you will run out of projects in four days! I need to dig out Smith Mountain Morning (blue in there) before it gets pulled as the UFO of the month..I have a way to go on that! Enjoy your sister's!
