
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cassie's softball party @ the beach

Cassie's last game for the summer was on Monday, so Coach Jodi called the team together for ice cream and fun at the beach tonight.

The water was PERFECT bath water, and with the evening sun fading and the air temps cooling, there was only one thing to do once you left the water.....
....make a run for it.....

roll yourself up into a human-towel-eggroll!

Just before leaving, the girls found a frog at the water's edge....
...Candace tried to kiss it!

 Afterwards, it was shower time before bed.
And then braid time!
Candace sporting the double-piggy braid...
{{Note the blue-n-gold "Laker" hair-tie colors!}}

And Caitlyn with the right-to-left sweeping braid

What a wack-a-doodle!

 on a different note:  this morning, Lil' Mama had her 7 chicks out of the coop, so I grabbed some chick feed and sprinkled them some.  This makes me think that I should snap a picture of Big Mama's babies from the of May.

And now that the day is nearly over, I suppose I can say Happy Anniversary to Paul and myself.  If I hadn't seen today's date mentioned on a blog yesterday, I probably would have not remembered that today marked 14 years (at least not until my Mom called this evening).  'Tis just another day for us :D


  1. Happy two pat yourselves on the back for fourteen years and still happy together..that is QUITE an accomplishment in my book!

  2. Happy anniversary! We celebrated our 30th on June 11th... and you're almost halfway there! and even though you didn't make a big deal of it, it is something special!

  3. Looks like you had a great day.

    Happy Anniversary.Fourteen years is great...

    This is an anniversary for us too. We celebrate it every year. It is the day that we met. It's been 34 years for us.

  4. Happy Anniversary!! Looks like everyone had fun at the lake. The water looked absolutely beautiful.

  5. It was a perfect night for a picnic and swim! Happy Anniversary! Look at all you have...
