
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Family - Sun - Boating - Tubing - Swimming

The post title sums it all up!  The day was glorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My siblings all made the visit: brother Ron and sister Jen (plus family).

And YUP!  Those are GENUINE smiles on me and my sister!  That's because this picture was taken directly after THIS one....
{{every family has a jokster!}}

I think my Mom enjoys seeing this!  I can't remember the last time the three of us have been together, completely RELAXING!  (other than Christmas time and other celebrated holidays).

Even Mom  (who LOATHES!!!! boats/water/lakes) seemed to be enjoying herself :D

All the grandkids posing for a picture:  Caitlyn, Lindsay, Cassie, Zach and Candace

So after some time swimming....

and some eating...

and after trying out the newly fixed engine....

IT was time to hit the TUBE!

Our amazing driver and spotter

Cousins Lindsay and Cassie were the first War Wounds of the day.
 They survived though :)

Everyone was getting pretty poooooooooooped!  {{How are those arms feeling, Sis-in-Law Jen?}}

So, from the Skatt-Ranch.....
Remember to enjoy some relaxation time with your family!


  1. These are the BEST moments in life! You got some great action shots!

  2. A perfect family day! Lots of memories for everyone.

  3. Looks like fun was had by all. I can't wait to have some more down time and have some more fun. Maybe we will all get to go canoeing in a few weeks, for a much needed break.

  4. There's something really special when families get together isn't there, different from when friends are together. And what a great collection of photographs. I'm envying you your sunshine.

  5. Fabulous photos and you all look like you are having so much fun.

  6. What a fun day! So glad you got the boat fixed up in time. Looks like everyone is having a blast. It's great that everyone was able to get together.

  7. Fun times and memories. Looks like you all had a great time!
