
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kitchen progress

I truly didn't have plans to start cleaning the kitchen until later when the girls are home (it goes MUCH quicker with more hands working!!!!)  But, after posting Linda's 4-patch in a square math lesson, I came upstairs with intensions of making a batch of raspberry jam.   You can see the clear plastic bowl of raspberries on the left side of the photo above.  Psht!!!!  NO COUNTER SPACE!  

At that time, what started as a simple "let's move a few things until later" actually turned into a full-blown kitchen scrub!  

At least that's one less thing on my to-do list for later.  {And no, we never keep the door on that one lower cabinet.  It doesn't stay on with the type of hardware installed}

And now I have room for my project :D
However, I will wait until after picking up the girls.  They are done with summer school at 2:00, and I'm sure they'd enjoy helping (before needing to tackle the dining room cleaning task)


  1. We did our kitchen when the ants decided to make an appearance. It was on my list of things to do, just not on the day I had to do it.

  2. You have gotten alot done today! Your kitchen looks great and now for some raspberry jam! Ooh, yummy. I wish I lived closer!
