
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Midget handwork Sunday

Brace yourself Angela and Jill!!!!!

Yes...the Midgets made their appearance again today----after a one-year vacation!

I have NO IDEA what prompted me to stop mid-seam with my Christmas Goose piecing to pull out the midget blocks and take a peek at what the next few blocks were.  But, .... a little kick of motivation from SOMEWHERE had me prepping three blocks for applique.  LOTS of red!

I even completed the 20th block!;  the one that stopped me in my tracks last summer.
And you'll see----I altered it.  There was NO WAY this baby was going to get finished with those saw teeth in place.  Nuh-uh!  


  1. Way to use your creative skills to get 'er done!

  2. OMG! I am so happy you pulled out the midgets again! AND you have some prepped for next week! Awesome!

  3. Sometimes a quilter's gotta do, what a quilter's gotta do.... and it looks lovely the way you made it.

  4. Great job! I altered that block, too. What a pain it was for such a small block!

  5. A gal at Phoenix Modern Quilt guild meeting had a cute little block book of these for babies...with other peek a boo things etc...I thought way to use those midgets cuz I would never get past six of!

  6. Great job on the block and love how you modified it. It will be fun to have someone else working on the midgets with us.

  7. Way to go! Your block turned out cute.
