
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tetris plan; Framed Rectangle progress

Ann Marie shared a great idea with me for my Tetris blocks:  Placemats!
Using six blocks (the duration of the QAL) as suggested by Ann Marie would give me a placemat larger than what I would like, so I decided to play this week's pieces again to come up with another Week 1 block.  I played it MUCH better this time (pictured right) only have 2 "open" spots.  I was even able to get part of the final orange square into the grid.  Woo-hoo!
Anyway....using some green yardage at 1.5" and 2.5" strips, I ended up with a 10" x 17" placemat.  Tonight at dinner, Candace asked "Why do you only get one, Mom?"  

I set Christmas Goose aside for the day and picked up the prepped Framed Rectangle units.  I was a bit tired (still am!), so I wanted to do something simple.  The thought of cutting and organizing shirts for some Goose blocks did not sound very appealing!
All 10 Block Bs have been pieced and 20 of Block Cs.  
Cassie was sewing downstairs with me again this afternoon;  no pictures of her today :(  But as I was wrapping up a cycle of Block Cs, she commented she was hungry.
4:45PM.  YUP!  Me too!
Everything was shut down.  Dinner was prepared.  Sweet-n-Sour pork; definitely one of our favs.  I've shared this recipe about three other times in the past.

Judy has been posting about her double-yolkers lately, so I'll jump on that wagon for a brief moment.  I'm not sure which chicken, but we've had our share of double-yolkers lately too.  Could it be Big Mama (after going a month or so NOT producing eggs because she was sitting on them and then playing Mama Hen)?  Such a shame to toss the yolks of a double-yolker, but I only needed the white.

Baby Robin has flown the nest!  We think this is the only baby that survived the spring/summer.  S/he has a distinct noise/call that attracted my attention when coming back from the garden this morning.  After a little bit of searching, I finally found her/him bouncing along the bottom of the hand rail.  Do you see the little fuzzies still left on the head?  The location of them almost gives an appearance of fuzzy eyebrows! :)


  1. Love the Tetris placemat. The red binding sets it off! Nothing is better than FRESH eggs! The yolks are dark and the whites stand up!

  2. Looking good! Every week now someone else gets a place mat too. Glad I could help give you an idea of what to do with the little blocks. You could also make some matching potholders too. Or a dish mat to dry your dishes on.

    I just asked my husband yesterday when we move to Utah, and get one of those houses with a big yard, kinda out where he wants it, that means I can have chickens right? He said "NOO" I asked why not? he couldn't give me a reason. So if I have a big enough yard, and it is out of the city area, I am going to get me some chickens, and have me a garden too. First thing I am planting is Rhubarb!

  3. Cute idea for a placemat. Next time you could do sudoku.

  4. Great idea for a placemat.. maybe you could make a mario one for the kids :o)
