
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tiny Tuesday: #21 Snowball Flower

I don't know how long this Midget inspiration will last, and I'm not about to make a commitment that I know I may not be able to keep, BUT.....

Considering this is my 2nd midget block in two days, I am happy.

Block #20 really put me at a stand still!  But, today's block #21: Snowball Flower was pretty simple to create.  ((*Sort of.  Continue reading*))

I came across a HUGE roll of fusible webbing the other day when looking for another seam-ripper (when Cassie joined me sewing the Tetris blocks); I think some of it actually came from my grandmother's inheritance in 2007!  

I haven't been in the applique world for quite some time!
I pressed the fusible on the WRONG SIDE (actually, the "right" side) of the block!  The MOMENT the iron touched the paper, I realized what I had done (duh Amy!!!), but it was already too late!  The block was gunked up, so had to be tossed and redone.

The mistake wasn't enough to have me put the block away for another year, though.  And Block #21 is finished!  Really cute, too.

Now I wonder:  how long can I keep up with the Tiny Tuesdays????


  1. Well, there are 52 Tuesdays in the year right????

    I really like that block... the fabrics really make it pop.

  2. So cute! That was a neat one to make! Do some prep work and it won't be hard to keep up. I should take my own advice.... Lol

  3. Jill, like the Tiny Tuesday block. This is my first visit. I will take time the next few weeks to read thru your blog from the beginning. I love the reports in you right side bar. I may model some of them. I appreciated your comment on my blog.

  4. It looks great...I know I will regret not joining in on this! I love seeing Angela's little ones, now you too! SMILE!

  5. It looks great...I know I will regret not joining in on this! I love seeing Angela's little ones, now you too! SMILE!

  6. I love this block, not sure how I missed it on Tuesday. I could seriously make a whole quilt out of this pattern. Super cute! So glad you are back on the wagon.

  7. Cute block and cute fabric too!
