
Sunday, August 12, 2012

1000th Post giveaway Winner!

Yay Ann Marie!!!  I am getting on in years and can't really remember when we "found each other," but I know we have shared many a'posts and comments lately!  And what a fabulous idea about printing the blog eventually!  No kidding!  Doesn't that make sense?  For me, this blog is more than just a communication tool.  I find myself looking back at previous years as a timeframe for my gardening/harvesting.... looking back at the rundown of quilts made (since 2007 anyway) :-)

And yes......'May we finish more projects than we start!!!'  
Therefore, be sure to touch base with me when you are ready for your FREE Panto Quilting!  We can take care of details via email :0)

Thanks for everyone for commenting.


  1. Congrats to Ann Marie! Another quilt will be finished soon!

  2. Oh, I am so pleased, congratulations Ann Marie

  3. WOO HOO! I won! Thank You! I found you around July/August 2010 right after I started reading blogs, and you found my blog October/November right after I started it. Maybe now I can is 5am, and I am going to go back to bed and see if I can at least get 3 hours before I have to get up and go to work. Peaceful sleep.......I won!

  4. Congratulations Ann Marie! As busy as she is, I know she can use the quilting. I actually read both your blogs and have for such a long time. You feel like friends even though we've never met. Strange isn't it?
