
Monday, August 13, 2012

Insert grumpy face :{

Here's all my 'non-showering-day' glory....
I don't like it when this weapon tool has to come out!
And why????........

I can't remember the last time I have had tension issues!!!!!  Hmmm...I wonder if one of the girls was playing with the tension knob---it certainly doesn't seem like something they would do.  
Frustrating, tension is something I don't check for I was quilting finding a groove..... beboppin'.....

And then I rolled the quilt.

At least it appears to be easy to 'rip' out.  **sigh**  Weird.  I'm using my normal Aurifil.  I'm using my normal warm-n-white batting.  I gave the machine a little oiling like always. appears it may just be this one bobbin's worth. ??????

Back to it.

I'll check back in later with a FINISHED quilt (minus binding).  Then I'll catch y'all up on my day.

Small observation----
do you see the needle pinned in my front, right shoulder area?  That's where I keep my needle handy for tying off seams.


  1. I hate tension issues. So sorry it happened to you...

  2. Oh no! Hope it all rips quickly!

  3. What a bummer!! At least eyelashes are easy to take out. Still, unsewing is way less fun than sewing. Glad the wine helped make everything better. So funny how that works:) The quilting looks great btw. You'll have all those quilts done before you know it.

  4. I had that happen to my yellow quilt, rolled it and "OH SHOOOOOT" that isn't what I really said. Tear it out, fixed it rolled it, all good. Quilt another row rolled it again and "OH SHOOOOOOOT" It turned out it was the bobbin, and it was hit and miss. I still have a few very little sections to redo, but I am just going to redo them on the domestic. Me and Jack spent a lot of time together that week.

  5. I love the sad face - and the headband, it's reminded me to put that on my shopping list - I need one for Ruby to keep her ears out of her food!!! Hope you get the unpicking done soon.

  6. Ooh, too bad. Glad you had wine to take the sting off!

  7. That stinks...I just got my quilt machine on Friday, had a class to learn EVERYTHING about it(didn't quite get it all!) and have been playing/practicing with it since Saturday afternoon...I'm a little scared of it yet! I had tension trouble but figured out I didn't have the bobbin loaded properly...been a long time since I had to use one of those bobbins!
