
Friday, August 10, 2012

QAT - hours 9 & 10

Hour #9 (FINALLY!)

The girls had fun laying out the 34 blocks around the quilt center for hour #10.

Hour #10 completed

Hours 11 and 12 are the last two and involve borders.  After almost 11 straight hours of quilting....I don't think I have it in me to push a couple of more...with BORDERS!  Nu-uh :)

And look who has decided to take over the corner of the sewing room completely now :)  She designed  a quilt on paper and I have given her permission to use some of my stash (**jaw dropping!**)  Who does she think I am???  The stash-fairy??? 
We'll see how long this spurt lasts :)

Hmmm.....what to do now?  I haven't turned Olympics on yet; I suppose that's always an option.


  1. You got a lot done today! I'm impressed you quilted for 10 hours. It sounds exhausting. I intended to sew for a bit today, but never even made it up to my sewing room. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

  2. It looks great. I too am suddenly sharing my stash...I am generous with most things, but...LOL! Can't wait to see what she makes!

  3. That's what happens when you get them to help, you pass on the bug. What a productive day you had, maybe it ought to have been an Olympic event

  4. Great progress! I've been watching and can't believe you have quilted for that long in one day! The quilt top looks great so far.
    Sounds like you'll just have to go shopping.... as you are now sharing that stash!

  5. What a fun day! Glad you are able to just jump in and go crazy for a while. It feels good, doesn't it? Love the quilt! As to invasion of the stash, it sounds like a good way to encourage some of the oldies to move along? Might force you to go shopping and update your stash!

  6. I love how you include your girls in your quilting. Who knows you may be raising some of the next generation of quilters, or they may just love beautiful things and appreciate what goes into creating them.

  7. Holy Cow Woman! You did fabulous. What a great, happy quilt.
    I'm so jealous. Not 1 stitch has been sewn this quiltaton and I had such great plans.

  8. Looks great! I love the brights! I LOVE that your girls are helping too! My two kids are very disinterested in quilting though they have made quilts before.
    I was so frustrated yesterday-after realizing I needed 3 more yards of backing, having to run to the store, and then a test block not coming out right that I may just take the weekend off. we will see how long I can hold out...

  9. You are really using your time well. The quilt looks so happy!
    It is wonderful to see that your girls are interested in quilting; with an added benefit of way of using up some of your stash! It provides another reason to go fabric shopping; although an excuse is not necessary!
    Maya @

  10. Such a fun quilt and I love the picture of the girls working on the layout. And a new quilter - that is awesome! Maybe she will have her very own fabric stash one of these days!
