
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brrrr Baby!

Say hellllllo to those frosty Fall temperatures!
Twenty-nine degrees were flashing at us when we checked the kitchen window this morning.   Brrrrrrrr!
BUT, our tomatoes survived!  Which is a good thing, because yet another friend wants a big load for preserving this weekend.  Besides, we tried out our first batch of Spaghetti sauce from a couple of weeks ago.....YUMMMMMM!!!!!!  We want to make up one more batch to hold us 'til next year.

And with the Fall colors and activities, our school is in the middle of Homecoming week festivities!  Can you tell what today's "dress-up" day was???   What a hoot :)

Gosh, these evening hours fly by!  I really want to do some sewing or embroidering tonight.... but I'm simply too pooped to walk downstairs to start anything right now.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Spaghetti is my favorite! I order it when, we go out (hubby gives me that look) haha! I am a cheap date.;)
    Homecoming looks fun!!!

  2. Brrrr, not quite ready for those mornings yet. Glad your tomatoes survived it. You can never have too much homemade spag. sauce! Ever!

    How did you make it through the day with the adorables dress like that. I would have been a giggly mess. :)
