
Monday, September 10, 2012

Shipped goodies

My Hancock Fabrics order arrived today!!!  So much purdy stuff!  Can you believe that this is my first fabric purchase of the WHOLE YEAR?!?!??!?  {{I'm not counting the few yards I needed to purchase for the Diamond Fields border this summer)  I mean... this is my first actual "no-real-purpose-to-buy----just-want-to-buy-cuz-it's-purdy" purchase!  Definitely a record!!!  Mind you, those pink and green fabrics will be used in the Hawaii Sunset blocks.

And look what else was confirmed via email today!!!!!!

Wooo-hooooo!  I am keeping Wednesday night WIDE OPEN!

Also, after my whole "I didn't do any schoolwork all weekend" goal comment last night......
... my day today....was Just Fine.  AND my prep time allowed for me to get the next THREE days scheduled in.  So... I'm doing well on my "leave school-at-school" goal. :)


  1. Oh, it is purdy! Never fear, it will get used soon enough. Sometimes a little fresh fabrics helps the stash slip away even better. Waiting anxiously to see what embroidered creations you will be dreaming up. A whole new obsession is born.

  2. Oh goodie, you got your box today! I got e another box today, need to take pics and post them.

    Now you get to buy lots of thread, fabulous shiny thread for embroidery! Like Angela said, another obsession is born, but at least if you have two machines, you can embroider and piece and the same time! :D

  3. Oh, how exciting. Can't wait to see what you do with your new machine

  4. Awesome...maybe my order will get here tomorrow...I can't wait. I did manage to bust out 25 more of the geese..think that gets me to 325 or 350, crossing my fingers on 350 lol!

  5. Packages of new fabric are such fun!!

    America would be a happier place if everyone vowed to leave work at work. After all, how many of us get paid extra to use our personal time on "work" work????

  6. I am so glad that you were able to separate school-life from least for a little while! I know how stressful your last year was for you and even the messy mix-up this summer--you deserve a "life" as well as a job! Take care of yourself---and quilt more!
