
Monday, September 3, 2012

Today, I want to sew!

Yesterday, 85 pounds of tomatoes were dealt with...
Today, I want to sew!

So, sifting through pictures from the past month, let's see what I have downstairs that I could work on.....

Ah yes!  I must start working on more Flying Geese units.  I have about 200 finished so far.....
I also need a few more 4-patches and 9-patches for Hawaiian Sunset too.

My Framed Rectangles are sitting in organized piles to be sewn into rows...

Ah.....Freeze Frame awaits quilting (but that's not going to happen today).  At least the backing and batting have already been prepared...

Jamestown Landing also awaits quilting, BUT I DO NOT have backing or batting prepped.  I suppose I could consider doing that today....

Hmmm...another top that awaits quilting (and backing and batting).  Orca Bay... 

My Christmas Goose blocks need some sashing.  Hmm....lots of Bonnie quilts down there :)

Ah yes!  BUT, I definitely MUST finish up the quilting on the two Quilts for Kids so I can get them out in the mail.  #1 priority today....

and then..... I think I'll play with some Orange/"Pumpkin" scraps for Angela's 2012 Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Ohh.....lotsa goodies to choose from.  


  1. Lots of great choices. No matter which you start on, it is nice to have some time to sew. Glad you got the tomatoes under control yesterday, are you near the end yet?

  2. Have a great quilty day! So many treats to sew, so little time!

  3. Love seeing all those Bonnie quilts so close to a finish..I am working (in nine minutes, lol) and after that I am hoping to get at least one backing prepped myself before heading over to Barb's to sew.

  4. You and Angela crack me up! So many pretty Bonnie H quilts in there, I really must hook up with the mystery this year. Have fun selecting a project or two to work on today.. you deserve it after all those tomato's yesterday.

  5. Oh - what about a midget for tomorrow?

  6. Oh - what about a midget for tomorrow?

  7. Look at all this quilting beauty! 2 quilts so close to finished would be my pick for today too!
    With whatever you choose, have fun!

  8. OH my, 85 more pounds....thought you were done with Tomatoes, you gotta be gettin close, right? Wow your garden did great this year. Love all the goodies you have going on too. When you don't know where to start you could always, number them and draw a number, then when you get bored on that one, draw another number. Or give yourself a time limit of at least 15 minutes per project and see where you are at the end of the day. Just wish I had 15 minutes right now. :D

  9. It'll be fun to see what you did.
