
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Motivation in the form of packages

MORE packages arrived this week!  I'll admit that Ann Marie's package was EXCITING to see, and it took me a moment to figure out what it was.  (It's been awhile Ann Marie!!!)  Remember when she won my "Free Pantograph Quilting" giveaway for my 1000th post?  She's taking me up on that offer now :)
The other smaller package is Andee's swap units for Hawaii Sunset.  
I haven't opened EITHER of them yet!!!  Trust me, I want to, but I'm trying to keep an incentive for staying motivated today in my quilting room.

And my Orca Bay has been on the quilting frame for MONTHS, untouched!  Ann Marie's package was the right motivator to get me back at it in order for me to open it up for HER quilt.

Cassie is at volleyball practice until 11:00, and the other two are watching a Saturday morning movie.  I'm off to get some quilting done.


  1. This is motivating me to sew my back together and get mine on the frame! I'd love to have it quilted this weekend so I can show it off at retreat next weekend. :)
    Happy Quilting!!!

  2. I love packages!! Sure do wish my Orca Bay was ready for the quilting frame.

  3. Get er done! Glad you have some motivation to get you moving again. A body in motion is more likely to keep going. How much more fun will Orca Bay be when you can snuggle up under it? Speaking of motivation, you have given me enough to get up off the couch and go do something.

  4. You are going to love Orca Bay even more quilted! And just in time for Bonnie's next mystery!

  5. Glad I could help with the motivation!! I am ready to get back to sewing again full time in the evenings. It has been a while since I got a lot done. Need to figure out where all my time went to.
