
Monday, November 12, 2012

Easy Street

HM!  Is anyone REALLY surprised that the colors finding their way into my Easy Street potential pile are oranges, greens and purples???  You haven't heard of Bonnie's newest mystery Easy Street yet??  Go check it out!  I simply didn't have enough aquas, and I didn't want to buy anything for the mystery.  I'll simply have to settle for another amazing Purple/Orange/Green Bonnie quilt :)

Easy Street is also how I landed today;  after being at work for an hour this morning, I simply sat back and said..."Nope.  I need a sub today."... and I started working with the secretary to figure out how to make it happen.  By 9:00, I was home putting my feet up and closing my eyes;  only after taking 600mg of ibuprofin.  My chest pain wasn't something I wanted to face at school today :|  

yeah, still affects me;  and I think I have some information to share with my doctor when I DO eventually break down to see if anything can be done.  It's strange, but it seems like a week before menstruation is when it kicks in to the point where it's not extremely comfortable to breathe deeply :\    Almost like clockwork!  And it's ALWAYS "piercing" in the same spot; about 1 1/2" below my collarbone and 1 1/2" "in" from my shoulder joint.  

Anyway;   at least all the laundry was finished today, and I also washed the bedding.  I'm thinking of enjoying a soak in the tub with my book, and then crawling into that freshly laundered bed.  

Oh yeah---it snowed today too. :/  Not ready for the white stuff yet!


  1. IF I do the mystery, and I am not saying I am, but IF I do, I will be using straight from my stash too-Which I think means I will be able to find some dark aquas, purples and black on blacks.

    PS- I AM going to steal some time one morning this week to work on flying geese and get the Hawaii Sunset units packaged up- I promise!

  2. I picked out my fabrics last night, and they are also green, orange and purples. I like how they look together, and am hoping it doesn't look like Halloween when I'm done. I'm trying to decide on my "constant" fabric. I have lots of black/white prints, so I'm set there, but I'm wondering if black would work for the constant. I've got a few days to think about it, but I'm really looking forward to the mystery, too!

  3. Nope no surprise there on your color choices though. Way before Bonnie announced her colors, I told myself I wanted a Halloween quilt, so I would do Purple orange and green with black. Remember I went on that HUGE shopping spree at the fat quarter shop when the Halloween fabrics went on sale and I bought 40 yards of mostly those colors. Mainly cuz I dont do a lot of green or orange and my stash was lacking in those colors. Well when I seen Bonnies colors, and substituted my favorite color turquoise for didn't seem Halloweenish to me anymore, so now I am back to the drawing board. I still have 11 days to think about my colors, yes Thanksgiving is in 10 days!!! I told dear hubby to pick 3 colors...he picked turquoise, purple and yellow. So do I use yellow as a main color or a constant color??? We will have to see. I did go buy a few block on whites today though, as my stash was lacking there, as always. It is always the neutrals I don't have.

  4. Sorry to hear that you're a bit under the weather again, but at least you're beginning to be able to be specific about your chest pains and not quite so frightened about them now. Snow already? It sounds like the beginning of a long hard winter.

  5. Love your color choices: they are the ones I was looking at, too. I haven't pulled any so I don't know if I have enough of any but I may give it a go.

  6. Glad you are taking it easy today! A good tub soak and read it just what the doctor ordered! I knew orange would look good in that quilt..I have a feeling I am going to be wishing I had added some to mine....
