
Friday, November 30, 2012

I feel like it's been forever since I've posted...

But I know that Forever is a long time...

This really says it all.  Life is good.  Busy, but good.
I haven't sewn in weeks;  even last weekend after returning from my parent's house one day early with the HOPES of sewing on didn't happen.  I read instead.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  In fact, I read THREE whole books over the Thanksgiving weekend, and it was heaven!  I have missed getting lost in a good story.

Cassie's 12th birthday came and went on Wednesday.  Paul had fun picking out the re-igniting candles, and amazingly, after lots of patience a few more than a few blows, they all remained unlit and we commenced to gift opening.

The daily rituals have been fairly redundant;  wake up, school, try to fit everything in in the evening that can fit, and then repeat.  I've worked some Junior High basketball games; it's always enjoyable to see students in a different light outside of the classroom.

So yeah.  I'm SUPER glad today is Friday.  As badly as I would like to just sit and sew, I actually have other relaxing plans for the evening.  Paul is taking the younger 2 up to visit the in-laws;  Cassie has a friend over for a late birthday get-together and they want to go skating.  SO, I'm not up for skating, and the skating place is in a town 30 miles away.  What to do, what to do......I AM up for relaxing in a movie theater (and finally use up a gift certificate that's been sitting for a full year!).  Therefore, I'll drop the girls off in just over an hour, and then kick back at the movie theater to watch Skyfall.  Going to a movie by yourself is okay, right??? :D

Happy Friday


  1. It is OK. How fun is it not to have to share the popcorn? Enjoy your alone time. Any books worth recommending? I am always looking out for something good.

  2. Skyfall is great! Why not go by yourself? Sounds very relaxing. :-)

  3. Wish I was there to join you on the movie! Glad you are getting in a little ME time even if it isn't sewing. I have been reading more lately too and have so missed it. You know those people who say they are "bored" that never happens to much to do, so little time!

  4. Enjoy the movie. ME time is very important however you get it. You will get back to sewing soon. The mojo always comes and goes, just go with the flow. I love to read to, and sometimes you have to choose, read or sew.

  5. My grandmother used to take herself to see a film every week on her own,leaving my grandfather at home poor chap. Sky fall is great, you'll enjoy it. I put some of the relighting candles on a Christmas cake one year and we couldn't blow them out, so Christopher picked up the cake and went and ran it under the tap!!
