
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Time passes

After a 4 hour drive in foggy, wintery weather last night, it felt good to be home.  And I started my day out right this morning with a 3 mile jog, on freshly snow-covered roads.  THANKFULLY, this snow didn't hit until after I made it safely home!

No sewing accomplished yesterday since I spent the entire day shopping with my sister and mother, but today, 
Bonnie's Easy Street mystery, step #4 was {almost} completed.  

The rest of the day was super lazy!  I've done some loads of laundry between sitting and surfing the web.  I even rested for about an hour while listening to the Green Bay Packer game.  I spent very minimal time writing a Statistics test that is scheduled tomorrow.  So yeah...kinda a kick-back lazy Sunday afternoon.

One more week of school before a little bit of a holiday break!  I'd be lying if I said I can wait!


  1. Your Easy Street is looking good! Break is practically here!

  2. Jogging in the snow! That is true dedication. Just four more school days before winter break for me -- not that I'm doing a countdown of course.....

  3. They are looking great!!! Should I send some more snow day wishes your way?

  4. I am caught up to you! I can't believe it! I may finish this one after all, you need to harass me a little and keep me going. We are jealous of your snow. WE had a dusting this morning but it was gone almost before it touched the ground. 52 degrees projected all week-no white Christmas here.

  5. I'm intrigued by your snow photograph. Did you jog round in a circle to be able to get a shot of your footprints going ahead with no backtracking? Or were they someone else's footprints?
