
Friday, January 4, 2013

Candace turns 7 :)

Candace turns 7 today!  And I have to chuckle that her favorite present was a huge container of cheesy puff balls :) LOL

I have some school work to take care of this weekend;  there was no way of avoiding it since I had to bolt out of school today to do some last minute BDay things.  Pizza, snacks.... ya know.

I also hope to have some time to work on Easy Street.  On Tuesday, this was as far as I got...

I was realllly planning on pushing through the piecing (See the glass of Mountain Dew??!?!?!?)
But when I laid out all of the units for this block......


Am I missing some green squares?  Did they fall?  Did I fail to cut them out???
I CLEARLY was short!

So, I figured it was a sign.  And walked away.

This weekend though :)

However, shortly I'm heading out for a night out with some lady coworkers:  heading to see Les Miserables!  Can't Wait!!!!!!

Happy Weekend :D


  1. Giant cheese puff balls sounds like a perfect birthday gift! Your girls are all getting SO big. Hope the weekend brings some time to sew. Hope for a report on Les Mis -- it is on my list.

  2. I love how your Easy Street is coming together! Today is my Brother's birthday also. Such a small world. Hope she had lots of fun and hope you enjoyed Les Mis!

  3. LOL on the green....this one is well worth the assembly, but one must not nod off at all or there will be unsewing (ask me how I know!)!

  4. Happy Birthday to Candace. How was Les Miserables? I'm hoping to see it soon.

  5. Oh cheseballs! They are the best, especially if your 7. Your farther on Easy Street than I am, still haven't cut out step 6 yet. I heard from others that they were short on the green squares too, so I guess there was an oops on the clue. I will work on that one this week and hopefully get it to flimsy stage too. I hope you enjoyed the film, I have heard mixed reviews on it.

  6. Your Easy Street is looking nice! Happy Birthday to Candace, looks like the PeRfEcT gift ~

  7. Yes you are short on GREENS. Bonnie posted that she missed calculating and you need 24(?) more. We were also short on the green squares cut in 4 triangles for the 'inserts'. I love this block but finding the piecing slow going. GOOD LUCK!

  8. Happy belated birthday to Candace. Was she willing to share her favorite gift. Your Easy Street is going to be fabulous.
