
Monday, February 25, 2013

February summed up

Oh, I have been a bad, bad blogger :S  LOL
Sorry everyone!!!!  Really :D

So, here's the whirlwind tour..... 
YES!  I have done a little bit of quilting (only a lil though) !  I have a baby shower coming up this Saturday, and I will pull a perfect procrastinator's schedule with this quilt.  I have yet to add one more blue border, and then the quilting, all to be fit in sometime this week before the shower on Saturday at 1:00.  I got this.... no biggy :)

I also have been working on organizing some more units for the Omigosh quilt leader-ender project.  NO RUSH at all here;  purely my leader-enders.  So much fun to play with all those mixtures of 1" scrap strips :)

Family fun time has been in quite a bit of full swing on the weekends.   Paul and I have certainly tried to keep these dreary days of winter entertaining...
Tubing in the snow...

Tubing in the water...  {{OBVIOUSLY an indoor water park}}
I do enjoy my snow and winter sports, but..... yup.  I'm ready for the snow to start melting and for Spring temperatures and smells to start taking over.  We here in Wisconsin have another solid month to survive before that'll happen, though :)

ALTHOUGH...Tonight, Cassie and I dressed in a couple of layers to enjoy the 32 degree weather with a nice 1.83 mile run.  She's getting sooooooo dang tall!  Easily 2-3 inches taller than me!

I know I've said this before, but here it is again... I LOVE THIS Nike+ Run App! Love it love it love it.  

This past weekend was barbershop at our household.  And dear Cassie wanted her hair CHOPPPPPED.  Since her hair is SO think, I ended up banding it in pigtails before cutting it.  The outcome:  DOUBLE the donation to Locks of Love.

So, yeah.  Life is continuing....

OH!!!! AND......
All of my running has been leading me ultimately subconsciously to another marathon, I think.
After hovering over the Registration button for a full week, I finally hit "SUBMIT" yesterday afternoon.
Green Bay or bust, right Andee???


  1. Love your baby quilt and your snow! We still have had only one small storm this whole winter.
    Cassie's hair is very cute and how great for her to be able to donate it! Good luck on your marathon!

  2. How brave of Cassie! I bet she looks great though. We're pretty fed up with the cold, grey, damp days too.No more snow since the last lot four weeks ago, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

  3. She is ALIVE! Congratulations on commiting to the marathon. Glad the running is keeping you sane.

  4. You signed up for the MARATHON!?!? Way to go! I'm not sure if we'll be there on Sunday or not. If we are, I'll be cheering you on!!! Hubby is only doing the 5K. I haven't quite decided yet if I'm doing the 5K yet or not. I haven't done any slogging or walking this year.
