
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My hiatus - 2013 Running

Oh my dear, dear quilting/internet buddies:  I have been a bad blogger!  No doubt!
My quilting has been on a standstill for a few weeks with only about 4 total hours logged in the past three weeks.  Other priorities (obsessions?????) have simply taken over.
I think I will be the first to admit that I am quite guilty about having spurts of obsession.  Lately.....RUNNING/"working out" has been back on my "during any free time" list.

If you take a look at my Running tab, you'll see my rundown since the start of the 2013 New Year.  In January, I already surpassed my completely total logged mileage from last year;  definitely on pace for a record setting year (if this obsession continues).
Truth be known:  life is getting crazy stressful again, and my time on the treadmill has become my "easy button escape from reality."  I truly enjoy just plugging in the headphones to some great music.  Last weekend, a 5-mile goal run turned into 7, simply because I didn't want to stop cuz my music hadn't reached the end of the playlist!

A couple of weeks ago, I finally bit the bullet, resisted my frugality urge, and BOUGHT ME AN iPHONE!  And I have been LOVING some of the workout/running apps!
Running/Nike+ is my favorite!  My last 6 run summary is shown here, but know that some are more like Power Walks, simply because I can't run everyday.

So, yeah....
I'm alive.  And getting in great shape. :p (FINALLY!)  And a little birdie via FaceBook said my sister is also finding some motivation to get on her treadmill again :)  That makes me happy!


  1. Great Job, Amy! I have joined a fitness group that prepares for a 5k in May. I am in the couch to 5K group but loving it! Enjoy your running while your heart is really in it!

  2. Oh, I really like Nike+ too! I was really obsessed with it over the summer. I love all the stats they keep track of. Keeping healthy is a great goal, especially when other things in your life are so stressful. Hopefully you find some time in the future to quilt though as well!

  3. Your post made me laugh aloud...I have NEVER kept on running cuz my playlist wasn't done...I tend to watch the minutes on the bike telling more min..six more you get the idea! Glad it works for you, wish that little obsession was easier for me to come by! I am at least riding the bike most days!

  4. Glad to hear you're in running mode!! Sadly no treadmill action for me, but I'm converting my TKD classes into "miles" since I work my butt off...usually more than when I slog. Keep it up!

  5. I completely understand about the obsessions and them taking over your time. I blog when I can. It's either sew and get done what I can at the machine (whichever it is, sewing machine or quilting machine) or sit at the computer and tell about it. I wish I could run but due to a knee injury years ago, I'm just glad I can walk. You do what you can, we will still be here checking on you and rooting for you either way!

  6. You go girl. I know you will run more this year than any other year so far. You can do it! Me I will walk around the block and wave at whoever.
