
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A small victory! Amy's house!!! [2013 running]

Today's 4 mile run brought me to Amy's, marking off 320 miles since I started my virtual vacation last summer.  :D

And far in March alone this year, I've run 52.5 miles. 
Yeah, yeah... I could agree that I'm reaching a state of obsession that I haven't hit in my running before.
But you know what??  
I'm enjoying it.  
It's "ME" time...
and now that my fitness level has increased, running really HAS become a joy, not a burden.
Clears the thoughts...
Calms the stress and aggression...
and gives me a nice fit figure at the same time :)
EVEN on those "I don't feel like running" days!!!! So far, within my first mile on those days, my attitude has turned right around.  LOVIN' IT!

There are individuals in this "Run everyday in March" group (via Facebook) who have run everyday for the past 300 days!!!!!  Could that really be me?!?!?!   Holy yikers!

I've given some thought to my next stop, and trying to keep my path as linear as possible, 
KEVIN'S house is next!
Hey peeps...if you haven't had the opportunity to "meet" Kevin yet... what is stopping you???  In the short time he and I have commented back and forth, it is SOOO obvious that the man is a basket-bundle of laughs and has an AWESOME attitude towards life.  On top of all of that ladies.....he quilts!!!!! (LOL!)
So, until I can find out his town, I can't post the mileage.  But I don't think I'll be getting there anytime soon!   (...{{oh yes Kevin; creepin' and stalkin' on you BIG TIME here}}..) ... LOL

Hey!   Have I said "Happy Tuesday" to you guys yet?!??!!?

QUILTING you ask?????


  1. Way to go Amy!!! Wasn't that nice of me to have taken off yesterday so I could welcome you when you got here? LOL At this rate you'll be in Florida before you know it!

  2. Way to go! Have fun at kevin's and then head to my house!! :)
