
Thursday, June 6, 2013

A UFO, Forever, and HELP!

It was another 5AM morning with hubby's alarm.  Even if I hadn't gotten up at that time, by 6:30 AM, I would have been out-n-about wondering what the big ol' rumbling rukus outside was.  Looks like our road's shoulder is getting some gravel attention.

The weather is cold and dreary yet again today.  Rain hasn't fallen (yet), but....ick!  Still not a day that I can spend out in the garden, unless I want to sink.  

Therefore, another guilt-free vacation day to spend downstairs.

I came across a container that had my Pineapple Blossom blocks, started waaaay back in January, 2010!

Psht!  I thought I could turn my 'math-brain' off for a few weeks!  But let me tell ya, those borders took a little bit of configuring to make them work.  However, after a couple of hours, I have another flimsy added to my quilting to-do pile.  I even prepped a backing for it :)  Pineapple Blossoms - 72"x72".

Next came loading Forever and spending a bit of time quilting it now that my mom gave me the go-ahead to finish this up as a wedding gift.  

And I simply have to put an all-call out for ANY HELP/SUGGESTIONS for this blanket!
My Sis-in-Law handed this to me months ago with a request of "making something from it."  It has sentimental meaning to her mother and she wanted to do something with it.  Come to find out, 'mom' had thrown it away after being tired of continually trying to patch up holes getting made.
I.  Was. Stumped. Then. And. I. Am. Still. Stumped. Now.
She's suggested "just cut it up (to get rid of the bad parts) and sew it together with something else."  (She's not a quilter).  It's one of those fleecy type blankets.  I've sewn up the holes to at least get a start on it.  BUT....!?????!!??  
I have no clue what to do.  


  1. fold the blanket in half and FM it together (or better yet double it and FM to a towel.

    Then take that shape and fold in half to make a large pillow.

    It should have the look and feel she remembers and the holes will all be reinforced. you don't have to measure- it is what it is.

  2. Way to go on the pinwheel borders, Amy. They look great! And never put your math brain to rest - it would be too boring!

  3. You really have outdone yourself with the pineapple blossom borders..looking good! No clue, but I like the pillow only other thought was scarves! :)

  4. The borders on your pineapple blossoms are WOWZA! Love it. As for the fleece type blanket -- have yo seen the rag quilts with the frayed edges? Something like this:
    or maybe more like this:

  5. Love the pineapple quilt, it's going to look great. My first thought with the blanket was to put it back in a cupboard, forget about it and hope that your SIL does too!

  6. That makes me want to dig out my pineapple blocks that i won from block lotto a long time ago! Wanna share the math for that border? :)

  7. Maybe for the blanket, layer it up with a backing, a batting, your blanket, and some see through fabric and throw it on the longarm. Then you'd just need to bind it and be done.

  8. LOVE the pineapple blossom. As for the other one I like Candace ^^^^^ opinion, or use it as batting and make a very simple quilt top for on top of it.
