
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Feelin' the wind thru our hair!

It's almost Friday.
I have spent ZERO time in the sewing room this week.
The days have simply been filled with other things...

Monday; gardening...
Yesterday;  car shopping...

Tuesday and Today...BOATING with the family

So, Angela...
If you were wondering about my silence...
Wondering if I was suddenly going to post with FOUR finishes all at once before the end of this month....

Nothing to worry about :)
BUT, I do hope to put some time before June comes to a close  {{JUNE?? CLOSING ALREADY???  Cah-RAZY!}}.  Paul is back working nightshift for the next few days; which will mean sleeping during the day for him; which will mean some "down-time" for me to get some sewing/quilting in.

Happy Almost Weekend everyone :)


  1. And why wouldn't you be out and about when it's the summer holidays and you've got a boat to go on and it's weather like that! Great photographs of the girls. It made me smile coming to the picture of Paul after all that crazy hair.

  2. I was out walking the dog this morning thinking about how close the end of the month is. Amazing how fast it has all gone by! Hope you keep boating and gardening for just a few more days.

  3. Looks like tons of fun! I am anxious to see which one of you "wins"!

  4. I wish I was right along side you all in that boat on a Wisconsin lake...doesn't get any better than that! So glad you are taking the time to sniff the roses!
