
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lazy Sunday and Slow Stitch Sunday

Ultimately, I have three goals for today.

1) Finish the scarf I started two days ago on Caitlyn's Knitting Loom.  This will be my Slow-Stitch Sunday project for Kathy's site;  it's been ages since I worked on a slow-stitch project.

2)  Finish Clue #3 of Bonnie Hunter's Lazy Sunday mystery via Quiltmaker magazine.    The blocks were finished a few weeks ago, but the purple "diagonal" units have to be cut and sewn yet.

3)  Finish the quilting on Wafer Cookies, and maybe even sew on the binding.

It's a beautiful morning outside right now;  sunny and 60s.  It's supposed to warm up nicely to low 80s.  I may have to fight off some puppydog eyes who might be asking to head to the beach.  LOL.  We'll see what the day has in store.


  1. I really like the colors in your blocks. I might have to dig out my magazine issues and think on this one.... after I get baby quilts done :)

  2. Enjoy some hand work deserve some quiet time to rest and recuperate! Thanks for linking up!

  3. Lovely blocks, it will be fun to see how the quilt turns out. I'm enjoying the sunshine from inside today as it's a bit chilly, watching athletics on the television and doing some embroidery. Lovely and lazy.

  4. The Lazy Sunday blocks are gorgeous! Enjoy your slow stitching.

  5. I haven't even looked at my last two issues of Quiltmaker, maybe I will take them along in the car on the way to Texas next weekend. Love your blocks, I have never done a mystery!

  6. Your blocks are so the brights..mine is so muted by comparison!
