
Friday, June 21, 2013

On my Knitting-knobby

I see so many ladies posting projects ... "On my needles."  I don't know the first THING about knitting,  but...
I'm one WICKED knitty-knobbier!  :D  Teehee.
I decided to pull it out of it's storage bag by my chair to check out the progress since I'm home with a patient.

Candace's summer school teacher called me a bit after 10:00 informing me that Candace was complaining of an ear-ache.  I figured even if it was only a minor ache, we've ALL been going-going-going lately.  I picked her up without hesitation with plans to just have her SIT and RELAX, knowing all too well that we have a full night of softball ahead AND a full day tomorrow!.  So, am I a kushy mom???  She's taken a small dose of Jr. Tylenol and we've made it through Megamind already.  She's now moving onto the computer for a little while.

Me?  I'm going to do some more knitting-knobbying.

Happy Friday


  1. Happy knitting to you. I am sure you could pick up the other kind with no problem, but yours looks like lots of fun. Hope Candace is on the mend soon.

  2. Not too long ago I learned how to do some knitting on round thingys with knobs...not sure if you have a giant one or if yours is something different but I should finish up the hat that is on mine too! Love the colors in yours!

  3. Totally kushy mom.... can I come over too???? Rest is good - its fun to hang out with mom!!

  4. I'm not too sure what you"re talking about, can you show us a picture? I imagine it's like what we call a knitting dolly, presumably because they're often painted to look like dolls.
