
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Slanted Shells - completed [Crochet]

Slanted Shells (51" x 64")

A new appreciation for crocheters was eminent!! My first finish is nothing fancy, but the time investment is jaw-dropping; roughly 50 hours (and 2640 yards of yarns) -- some 'simple' quilts I've made this size in the past can be completed in a small fraction of that time!  However, when a new obsession strikes, I guess time really becomes meaningless. 

I thought a LOT during this process about the crocheted afghan I sold at a garage sale all those years ago for $1.00, and am simply shaking my head.  The lady who purchased it did the best she could to get me to understand how meaningful that afghan should be, but .... the appreciation didn't exist.  And I would confidently say that afghan was queen size.  :\

So, I move forward in my new craft, excited about the possibilities!   During most of those 50 hours, I had YouTube crochet videos playing in the background.  Lordy, oh Lordy!  My break from quilting will continue;  I'm simply feeling burnt out and disinterested right now.  Please forgive me.  Quilting is still my first love, but crochet currently is a very close second. And I want to learn and play more :)

The details for Slanted Shells
Pattern/Design:  Slanted Shells
Yarn:  Caron Simply Soft : 6 x Bone (315 yd/ea) 3 x Woodland Heather (250 yd/ea).  (Found at 
Walmart for $2.97ea) = TOTAL: ~2640 yards
Time:  Roughly 50 hours
Size: 51" x 64"
Hook:  Size I/9;  5.5mm

Happy Day everyone :)


  1. Very nicely done! I have a beautiful crocheted blanket from my aunt with 3D flowers on it. I know it must have taken her forever and she must be a master at her craft and even though it's not my colors, I treasure it. I look forward to seeing your next project.

  2. Well done, it's always satisfying to finish a crafted piece of work, no matter what the craft. I look forward to following your next project.

  3. It looks fabulous! Way to go girl!

  4. Nice job Amy. It still amazes me how fast you can pick up a crafting skill. You must have most of grandma's genes because I don't have any of them. :-)

  5. The afghan looks great! I understand the need to take a break from quilting once in a while and I love pursuing other crafts. So glad you found crocheting, Can't wait to see your next project! ~Jeanne

  6. That came out great! I can't believe you learned this less than a WEEK ago! Amazing. I had my hands on some Caron yarn today.... got 2 skiens of off white. If it ever cools off I may have to start a baby one.... One of my nieces or nephews will start their families in the next little bit.

  7. Very pretty! Whatever draws your interest and gives you energy is worth every minute invested!

  8. the border has really finished it off nicely, it looks wonderful
