
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Another finish - Market Bag [Crochet]

I needed a break from Caitlyn's RWB afghan yesterday, so... after "wasting" some more time on Ravelry (ooooh, that place!!!!!), I was drawn to this adorable bag.  I had a couple skeins of Simply Soft (in bone) left over from the Slanted Shells, so I gave it a shot.

Yarn:  Caron Simply Soft.  1.5 skeins (~ 475 yards)

The Simply Soft gave the bag a fair amount of stretch.  I can definitely foresee making another one;  maybe using Red Heart Supersaver;  that yarn, afterall, is much stiffer than the Simply Soft :)

My plans for this bag will be to simply carry around the materials for my current crochet project.
Speaking of which... 
Caitlyn's RWB afghan grew another 18 rows (one more full set of RWB).  And yeah... that first section has gotta go!  I'll take care of that later on though...

On a different note, Big Mamma has been sitting on eggs for the past few weeks.  I expect her to hatch anyday now, so I went to just peek under her.
That goof!!!!  I haven't peeked under her in the past two weeks;  she had built up her egg nest to 8 at that time.  Now.........TWO!!!!!!  Two!  Where'd they go?!?!!?!?!  **sigh**
Oh well, we'll see what happens here.  


  1. Your crocheting that quickly is mind boggling to me! I hardly have the dexterity to sew by hand, and look at you! A crocheting MACHINE! Methinks you may have a black snake with a belly full of eggs!

  2. I remember my grandmother making bags just like that and using them for her shopping, and I always wanted to know how to make them.
