
Friday, September 20, 2013

A life in pictures...

Paul has had his new job since April, so I guess I shouldn't really call it his "new" job anymore.
It's a swing-shift style job;  he works 4-days on, then 4-days off, then 4-nights on, then 4 days (more like 3.5 days) off.... repeat.

This past week has been his night-shift swing.....
and we didn't see much of each other.

Therefore, the girls and I tried to keep us in his mind as much as possible with the use of pictures.

One night, we came home to a pot of chicken-dumpling soup he made up for us before heading to work.  I don't know if he felt bad, because of a "I'm beat" text I had sent the night before, and therefore made up some dinner for us. (?)  Dunno.  But the soup was good.  And healthier than some of the quick "gotta get to bed" meals I've been putting together :\  
This week's schedule was tough.  Simply put.
Monday consisted of morning meeting AND afternoon meeting, followed by a volleyball match, and then a quick rush home (at 7:30 PM) to take care of animals, make a quick dinner, and scoot the two lil'uns off to bed.  THEN, Cassie and I parked ourselves at the table for a little wind-down with homework.

Tuesday was much of the same... EXCEPT I didn't have any meetings... and Cassie's and my HW load wasn't much.  LOL.  We still enjoyed taking a pic and sending it off to Dad as we settled in with some HW.

Wednesday was a night OFF! (for the most part).  NO Vball game.  No extra running.  We were home by 5:45, but ended up being booked anyway.  Animal chores, laundry, tidying house, sweeping... and then even headed out the garden to pick all the ripe tomatoes for a coworker.  I'd say we handed 60 pounds over;  and she was extremely grateful!

Thursday rolled around, and Paul was actually able to make it to Cassie's game (umm....yeah....that'd be last night), but sadly is working yet again tonight.

Caitlyn's class had their "mucking" field trip today.  I'll tell ya.... 4th grade has some AWESOME field trips!  I can't wait until the Madeline Island trip at the end of the school year;  I think I'm signing up to chaperone that one! :)

And, would you believe that I headed out the garden for more tomatoes after arriving home at 6:00 tonight??

And even PROCESSED THEM!?!?!?!?!
LOL.  What a way to spend a Friday night :)  I kinda needed to, though.  Tomorrow is full of an all-day volleyball tournament, and Sunday......schoolwork!  Yuppers;  I've accepted the inevitable!  The only way to stay caught up this year with two new textbooks (one in AP-Statistics), and all the other RTI initiatives, etc.... I simply need to devote minimum of 6-10 hours every weekend to school.  It simply is what it is.  I'll get a break when June rolls around again.  Right?  :)

Happy Weekend everyone!!!!!!


  1. Wow! way to go, hope you catch some rest time!

  2. Spending the weekend on school is simply no fun at all. Sounds like your plate is full this year. I've been pulling the come home from work and sit on the couch grading papers until bedtime routine. It is a good thing that we both love what we do or it would be a bit demoralizing. Hopefully the shifts will swing back around soon enough though and at least you will have a little adult company in the evenings at least.

  3. I feel your pain! I am retired now, but when i was teaching a new class or teaching from a new textbook, i got a very large 3ring binder, i wrote complete daily lesson plans and put them in the binder. After teaching the lesson, I made changes to the lesson plan where needed. I put all supplemental materials that I used in the notebook with the lesson plans. I also put the master copy of my tests there. It was a tremendous amount of work the first year, but subsequent years were so much easier.
    You will be very happy next year that you worked extra hard this year.

  4. Holy cow! You exhaust me! How you do it all--and so well--I have NO IDEA! You really are an amazing mom, wife, teacher, gardener, quilter, etc., etc.! Keep posting whenever you have a second...

  5. It sucks you have to do school work at home, but like you said, it is what it is. I know all about your huge garden, but you mention animals too, do you guys have a mini farm too? If so, do a post sometime on all the animals. I am sure the girls would love to ham it up with the camera for that blog post. :D

  6. Share pics of Madeline island when that happens. I have heard of it, but have never been! Gotta add that to my to be seen list (right after Door County!). Here's to a better week--or at least a not so busy week!
