
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Poopersticker!! From Bad to Worse!

I usually do not swear;  there are simply better words out there to use that do the job just as well.



What isn't pictured very well here is a steam burn on my arm!!!  When lifting the hot-water bath lid (to remove the pizza sauce), there was a delayed reaction from the time the steam hit my arm until the nerve registers in my brain reacted!  Goodness gracious!  I have the biggest empathy for burn victims;  what utter pain.

After removing the pizza sauce jars from the cooker, I placed the stewed tomato pot on the burner to get it cooking for 10 minutes.  I then went to put some burn salve on my arm before heading back to clean up some dishes from the last hour of processing....

and then!


I had forgotten all about the stewed tomato pot.


And there ain't no savin' a scalded pot of stewed tomatoes!

There go 12 pounds of tomatoes down the drain....


At least...lesson learned!  I have now set the timer for every 15 minutes for me to get up to stir the spaghetti sauce.  Once it reduces down some more, I'll set the timer for every 5 minutes.  I'm NOT about to lose FORTY-FIVE pounds of tomatoes!  LOL

Fret not...  
I've already poured myself a glass of wine.  

Happy Saturday evening everyone.


  1. Ouch, ouch, ouch! I touched the propane fireplace with fingertips and remember a long night of fingers on an ice pack and the pain. Yikes. I hope it gets better quickly (or the wine dulls the pain!). Setting the kitchen timer is a good idea.

  2. I'm so sorry... I hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine working with all of those tomatoes in one day.

  3. Ouch! I had a steam burn from making Stone Soup with my students at school and I remember how much it hurt. However, mine was a whole lot smaller than yours so I can only imagine how yours must hurt.

  4. Ooh, that looks nasty, I do hope it heals up quickly. It's that busy time of year for those of us who grow our own veg isn't it? I made about ten jars of green tomato chutney and five jars of tomato and courgette chutney yesterday. The whole house smells of vinegar! Have you tried freezing tomatoes? I'm trying it for the first time this year and it seems to work, and it's so easy, no blanching or anything, just put them straight into a freezer bag. And the skins come off really easily once they're defrosted, and then they can go straight into a sauce or soup or anything.

  5. At least you have a good reason why those poor tomatoes got scalded. But WOW, that burn is huge. I hope you took something for the pain, and maybe go see a doc too? I am shuddering thinking of the pain.
