
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Laker Ripples [Crochet] and some beauty-shoppin'

After a shopping spree last night at 8:00 with Caitlyn and Candace for some odds-n-ends and some more Royal blue Red Heart Super Saver yarn, I was able to put the final 22 rows on the Laker Ripple afghan this morning.   Cassie chose the colors, and I made it large enough for her to use it for many years to come.  Perhaps her Teenie-Tiny baby blanket will finally be retired!  LOL

The rest of the day was playing Beautician to two lil' girls.

Can't tell these two are sisters, can you?!?!!?  :D

I now have two lil' girls bebopping around the house, flipping their hair from side-to-side, la-la-ing.  I'm fairly certain they like the style!

Since the day is mostly whittled away, I don't think I have any ambition to head downstairs to play in the sewing room, therefore, I'll see how many more rows I can add to the newest afghan in the works. 

It's a corner-to-corner pattern, alternating Red and White (obviously), but then will be blue on the other diagonal half, with 50 stars crocheted on top.  I was inspired by a picture posted on Facebook a few weeks' back, so I went off searching for a corner-to-corner pattern to try to remake it.  I shouldn't be surprised at all that Mikey (via Red Heart and the Crochet Crowd) had a tutorial made up for this pattern.  Mikey is the dude I took all of my crochet lessons from, via YouTube.  His Youtube channel is absolutely amazing!!!  Interested in learning crochet???  Check out his channel.  He's super funny... and has a cute lil' Canadian accent to boot! :)

Tomorrow is Monday, but... I'm still able to relax tonight.  Tomorrow and Tuesday are inservice days for the staff;  students have vacation all week due to Deer Hunting (the Wisconsin holiday!!!!) and Thanksgiving.
Happy Sunday everyone!


  1. Adorable new hair do's! Looks like they are enjoying the change. Enjoy your extended holiday. Deer hunting holiday! That's not one I've heard of down here.

  2. Marathon runner, quilter, teacher, crochet artist, gardener, AND a beautician??????? WOW! Will we find out next you are actually a Ninja? HIIIIIIIIIYA!

  3. Having the two boys, no girls, it was always ME that had to be the client, while they practised their beautician skills on me. It wasn't the most relaxing of times and I was quite glad when they grew out of that phase. Your two girls look as if they're thoroughly enjoying the experience though. I do admire your new found crochet skills; my grandmother taught me how to crochet, but I haven't picked up a hook for years.

  4. I may just check that out! Loving the ripple!
