
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hancock keeps CALLING to me.... !

Alright... so remember the other day when I showed you my shopping cart of Hancock?....
Of COURSE I didn't hit submit.  That's just silly.  I hover over the "submit" and then think....."Really, Amy?  You have enough fabric down there to use up first.  Get busy scrapping away!"  

While sitting and enjoying the caramel corn last night, I cleaned up emails, and saw THIS sale from Hancock...

15% off!  That would result it a decent savings with the load *I* had in the cart....
So, logging back in to Hancock....enter promo code DEALS15E, and ...... hover over the "submit" button again.
"Amy!  Really!?!?!  Think of what ELSE you could do with that $120;  you realllly don't need any fabrics.  Jeesh already."

Alright, so ... I let it go again.  Logged out.  And didn't think any more of it.

and now..... reading through emails this AM, I find....

For the love of Pete!!!!!!!  It's like they KNOW they're tormenting me. 

Time to go sew so that I don't hit the submit button!  Let me at least earn any potential purchase by burning through other fabrics of mine!


  1. Sometimes you really do need additional fabric to finish off a quilt. Backgrounds, backings and borders are always fair game. So are solids and "go withs" that would help you use more of what you have. Lets face it, you have spent $120 on sillier things.

  2. Ha! I'm agog to see what will happen next!

  3. DO IT! DO IT!
    You need it!
    The universe is telling you multiple times to get this order!
    I am a bad influence for sure!
