
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Slow Stitch Sunday - some down time

I was up at 5AM with Paul's alarm again.  And again, coffee was brewed, dishes were completed, and a bagel was eaten before heading downstairs by 6AM...

All of Bonnie's CS step 5 are now prepped for the final stitch, and sitting next to the sewing machine, acting as leaders-enders for whatever project I wanted to work on next...

My design wall has LITERALLY been unchanged for over a year!
This was the picture from November, 2012!  Alright....since then, the Hawaii Sunset blocks (lower section) have been completed, and are now awaiting sashing.  The Jack in the Box blocks were removed at one point, but have been resting on a shelf, untouched.
But the strings.... yup.  They are still up there!
I can't remember the last time when I actually worked on my 2011 or 2012 Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  But with 2014 looming, and my 2014 RSC sample hanging out in the lower right, it was time to clear the wall!

And then.... designer's block returned :\  The rainbow string blocks are cool, BUT...I never had a plan in mind for them.  I just pieced 'em.  Cuz they were cool.  
Therefore, lesson #1 for my 2014 RSC -- Have. A. Plan.  (which I think I do) :)

In 2012, when I pieced the Jack in the Box blocks in addition to the String blocks, I cut off the bonus triangles and turned them into some scrappy diamond units.  

I thought they'd be perfect to use as a filler block (see the sample block on the left).  BUT, one slight problem --- I never squared up the bonus triangles to 2" before piecing the diamond units.  Their sizes are simply....wonky, and inconsistent with each other.  I tried to make due anyway.
But, it just isn't going to work.  Plus, I didn't like the look of the sample. 
So then... I played some more and came up with the current look.  I know it would help matters if I would piece two more string blocks -- to make the quilt be a little more symmetrical.

Therefore, I'm GLAD it's Sunday!  More specific, I'm glad that it's Kathy's Slow Stitch Sunday.  After the marathon quilting day yesterday, and the silly designer's block affecting me right now... I'm simply in the mood to sit with a crochet hook in my hand!

I haven't worked on any Granny Squares in awhile, so... that's my game plan for the next couple of hours.

Happy Sunday.


  1. the diamond sashing looks really good with the string blocks.

  2. I like the diamonds... looks almost like ornaments (string blocks) or something on a string that could rotate around.... you know the ones that rotate on sparkly bead strings or something! Go with it!

  3. I really like the look of the string blocks set up against one another. A lime green and a hot pink would round out the set nicely. Those wouldn't take long at all -- just thinking.

  4. I just love the string blocks...they have a wonderful whimsical feel to them. Your design wall is so valuable. I never even knew about them until I received my Christmas 100 Quilting Blocks book from my daughter this year. I have made myself a mini one for now, but am going to have to free a wall upstairs for a larger one. I see you are going to do a bit of crocheting today. Can’t do it to save my life, but I adore knitting. Your square pile is mounting :-). Happy New Year. genie

  5. I just love the string blocks...they have a wonderful whimsical feel to them. Your design wall is so valuable. I never even knew about them until I received my Christmas 100 Quilting Blocks book from my daughter this year. I have made myself a mini one for now, but am going to have to free a wall upstairs for a larger one. I see you are going to do a bit of crocheting today. Can’t do it to save my life, but I adore knitting. Your square pile is mounting :-). Happy New Year. genie

  6. Love the end of the year clean up. I am going to put sashing and border on my Jack in the Box today to get that off my list! It has been waiting patiently for weeks. I know you will come up with something perfect for those string blocks! If worse comes to worse use them for a backing!

  7. Looks like fun! I am sure you will work something out!

  8. Looks like the crochet is stacking up while you think about those pretty strings. I like those diamonds .

  9. I think your layout with the diamond sashing is terrific! Go for it!
    Enjoy your granny squares today!
    Thanks so much for contributing to Slow Sunday Stitching! Sending you wishes for a happy 2014!
