
Monday, January 6, 2014

Beautiful fabrics [Berquist Beauty]

We had our last Christmas celebration this past weekend with my family.  Ummm.... I didn't take any pictures, but both my mother and sister did.  However, I FAILED to download any copies from their cameras before leaving.  Oy-vey!  

At one point Saturday afternoon, I graciously bowed out of the afternoon football watching to head to town ... Candace needed some new snow pants, but...... secretively, I wanted to get into Hancock Fabrics to actually look at fabrics in person instead of online!!!!  Remember my shopping cart from a couple of weeks ago???

Well, my sister rode along as did my nephew.  We all had an ulterior motive for heading to town.
Stop #1:  Bath-n-Body so my sister could use up a gift certificate from LAST Christmas!
Stop #2:  Festival Foods, shopping for fixings for dinner (Spaghetti dinner)
Stop #3:  HANCOCK FABRICS!!!!!!
With my sister in tow (nephew stayed in the van, watching a movie), we perused the aisles in search of any fabrics that would work in my sister's bedroom.  

This quilt was posted last week by a lady working on her Celtic Solstice.  I have ALWAYS wanted to make a pattern similar to this.  ((LITTLE did I know at that time that Bonnie's mystery was ALSO this design!!!!))  The lady mentioned the quilting magazine that held the pattern she used;  I didn't pay much attention, knowing I would be able to recreate this without much effort.  SPECIALLY now that Bonnie's mystery essentially uses the same units (with a bit more extreme piecing!), this pattern shouldn't take much calculation on my part.

Back to Hancock...
I was actually amazed at how quickly the fabrics were stacked up;  teals/blues, browns, and pinks/mauves.  
And the fabrics have now safely made the trip to my house, have been through the washer and dryer, pressed lovingly by my new iron, and now.... await to be made into Jen's (and Derek's!) quilt.  I'm thinking of "Berquist Beauty" as the name of the quilt -- Berquist being my sister/husband's last name.

And not to forget, 
Stop #4 on Saturday:  Walmart!  Nephew wanted to buy a video game with his gift card and money received from Christmas.

NOW, with TWO days of extreme cold keeping us prisoner in our house, you'd THINK I'd be able to get some serious quilting done.  Today we didn't have school, and I spent about 4 hours downstairs working on Celtic Solstice and some overall tidying of the sewing room.  But it was COLD down there, so I gave up around noon!  I'm hoping tomorrow will bring on some MORE motivational mojo juice for me to tackle LOADS of sewing since school as already been pre-cancelled for the day!

Happy Monday!
((It IS Monday, right??)


  1. I can't wait to see what you do with Berquist Beauty! You are so good at duplicating patterns you mathematical genius you!

  2. I look forward to seeing how the colours work out in the pattern. You're all having some pretty extreme weather over there aren't you? Hope you don't have too many problems - and that it doesn't make its way over here!

  3. Another snow day? Wow! Enjoy. Maybe you could bring a mat and cuter upstairs to cut? Enjoy your bonus vacation days.

  4. BTW, did you notice that one of the four patches in that photo is rotated?

  5. I like the colors of that Celtic Solstice. Yours will be lovely!

    Hope you're staying warm. I braved it to work both days. I'm ready for above zero temperatures!

  6. Oh, I like your colors for the new quilt. I hope you are staying warm and enjoying the crocheting. Have fun.

  7. It will be beautiful! So nice that she went with and helped with fabric selection..doubly sure she (and he) will love it! Enjoy your free day off! :)

  8. Love the name Amy. Can't wait to see how the colors and patterns go together once you start cutting.
