
Friday, January 10, 2014

More QOV inspiration?

Another lovely classic BOM came across my path today -- Debbie Mumm's 2014 BOM.  This is a 6 installment BOM - FREE.
Do you notice several of the blocks are repeated throughout the Sampler? Hence there are only 6 installments for the BOM.  The fabric selections showcased are absolutely beautiful;  wouldn't this be amazing with Civil War fabrics???

I'm not sure if you are a follower of Andee (ModernDiary), but her machine (and Kathy's!) has been smokin' out the projects lately!  Her Celtic Solstice AKA: PACKER SOLSTICE has been pieced into a top.  She's giving me an amazing push to get some progress posted on my own CS.

Also -- how about Alycia (Alycia Quilts)?!  She's also recently posted about an ADORABLE modern quilt top finish using up some bonus pink triangles.  I'd love to get some more quilts done to send her way for the QOV drives and presentations she offers in CO.  

Are you getting inspired by anyone?  Are you inspiring others?

Happy Friday!


  1. Glad we inspire each other! I will be checking out that BOM too, I can't believe I didn't do one QOV last year, so I want to do a few this year! Might as well make it fun and do BOM's! Happy sewing!

  2. Great BOM! It would be perfect for a QOV. So many great ideas!

  3. All of the aforementioned, including YOU inspire me! Now, if I could just stay on the ground for a while and get some sewing done!

  4. Aw shucks - thanks....
    I am thinking you should have more snow days - you put us all to shame... hows the rocker working lol
