
Monday, January 27, 2014

Star Struck center

This online community of quilters is truly amazing, filled with brilliant suggestions.  I'm thankful we aren't afraid to suggest ideas, tips and the like to each other!
Angela's afterthought comment from my last post was extremely helpful.  With a little rearranging, a little ripping, and a sewing/scrap frenzy of piecing another 12 blocks... the scattering of the gold stars became an intentional design layout.
The center is now a 7x9 layout, rather than a 7x8 as I mentioned yesterday.  7x8 wasn't enough of the 'golden ratio' for me :D

Celtic Solstice has taken over my leader-ender project as I've been working on Berquist Beauty and now Star Struck.  Another 20 blocks in the making here.... all L/E.

And the 20 blocks on the stool here were all L/E'd when working solely on Berquist Beauty.  Bonnie hit the jackpot with the L/E idea!  No doubt!

BTW.  We received the call from the school district last night at 8:30 announcing the closing of school for the day due to extreme cold weather.  After watching news this AM, I can't see how the school CAN'T make the same call for tomorrow since tomorrow is expected to be even colder.  Crazy cold weather this year for much of the nation, that's for sure.

It's hard to believe it's THAT cold out when the house is a ROASTING 85 degrees!!!!!!  Between the wood furnace AND the extremely deceiving sunshine, the girls and I have elected to change into some shorts! LOL.  

#2 and #3 are playing the Wii;  #1 is wasting time "researching" on YouTube.  LOL.
I just came upstairs from piecing the center of Star Struck.  I'll throw together a light lunch since Paul made a yummiful brunch for all of us at 10:00, and enjoy some down-time looking through Bonnie's patterns to find a border treatment.

The school's band is having a Cabaret Concert at the end of February and the director is asking around to local businesses for raffle items (I just caught up on school email where he was filling the band parents in the latest happenings.)  So.....  ...... I haven't said anything yet, but I'm thinking I COULD get this quilt done by then and donate it to the band if he is interested.
Just thinking aloud right now.

Happy Monday.


  1. Love the layout for Star Struck!

    School here is already called off for tomorrow. You lucky girl. Enjoy your day off!

  2. "Research".....yeah, that's what I'll call my blog reading and Facebook reading from now on. :) Sounds like you're having a good day off. Wish I could say the same. Seems like if other places are closed they expect the public library to be open so they can come here. Sometimes they're just out of luck though. I changed the rules to say that if the school is closed for weather so is the library.(Being the director does have it's advantages.) Winters in the past have been cold too, but we've been lulled by the last few. I remember when my daughter was in high school the actual temperature was -31 and school didn't even have a late start. No wind though; maybe that made the difference.

  3. So happy you are enjoying your extra day off. Love the yellow stars on star struck now. I am at school now working on genetics problems with my AP class, but I'd rather be home quilting.

  4. Glad you are enjoying your day and staying plenty warm! I am at job number two just getting ready to punch in. Wish I was sewing but I have some knitting with me if I get a hold call :) crossing fingers! Your Star Struck looks great!

  5. Love the yellow stars scattered around! Enjoy the day(s) off and stay warm. Your quilts are looking great.

  6. I think that I am jealous - we just have the cold and ice and snow today - and school. Of course -its not as cold. But I a still jealous. Love your star struck - the gold is wonderful!
