
Saturday, April 19, 2014

A new crochet challenge and family times

Mikey at the Crochet Crowd has issued out the next afghan challenge:  "Cheerful Afghan Challenge," using Red Heart's free pattern Rainbow View.  Despite having other projects underway, when I scrolled across the new challenge, NATURALLLLLY I had to sift through my yarns to see if anything was suitable to give it a go.  ;)
Pinks, burgundy, greens and neutrals --- Raspberry yumminess, right?

Our lil' Easter vacation offered some time to transplant the tomato seedlings to the next sized container. Candace came a'running over once I started organizing all the supplies;  she took over most of the procedure while I simply supervised.  35 tomato plants successfully transplanted.
She was also taught the game Othello (do you see it in the background, left side?) after watching Cassie and myself play a couple of games.  Halfway through the game, she admitted, "Mom, I'm going to majorly lose."  Strategy and practice, my little grasshopper -- strategy and practice.

After a late afternoon "hunt and gathering" trip {{as Nancy would say}}, we did what everyone does after dropping a few big bills at the store....


It never ceases to amaze me at the creativity kids can come up with if given the opporunity.  Cassie and Caitlyn created a makeshift tic-tac-toe board and proceeded to have a game of butter vs. creamer.  

We seldom order desserts, but the meal that Paul and I each ordered came with dessert included.  Therefore, I ordered a Turtle cake, Paul a piece of apple pie, and each of the girls some ice cream with chocolate sauce.
Oh.  My.  Goodness!
I was already stuffed after a great meal of fried fish -- but, I couldn't let that chocolate go to waste!

Not even 1/4 of the dessert later...... I was DONE!  

That only meant that someone else had to give it a try.......


Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. That afghan definitely says "happy!" I love the fact your girls are gardeners! So, you will eat fried fish, but, no sushi????? It's OK Paul.....I would have eaten all three desserts myself!

  2. Great family fun! I love Othello (even have a travel version!) and oh living vicariously through you on those deserts..yummmo! Love the afghan too!
