
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lots going on; always something to do

I most certainly enjoyed my 'extra' day on Friday by spending much of it downstairs in the sewing room.  Celtic Solstice is STILL in pieces at various locations in my sewing room.  I pressed this set of 21 blocks and set them to the side to be a L/E project as I worked on something else.  I haven't been in the CS mood for far too long :\  Someday, someday... it'll take the forefront again.

Instead, I was motivated to FINALLY pull fabrics for Kevin's QOV Block Drive....

One set of blocks lead to another, lead to another, and lead to another... and now, I'm striving to finish off 30 blocks total to piece into a full-fledged quilt top.  By this time of the afternoon Friday, though, the weather outside had started cooperating; the snow having subsided, so we headed out as a family to get some last minute shopping done for Caitlyn's BDay party being held on Saturday.

10th birthdays are special in this house;  it's the age of ear-piercing!
As part of the shopping trip, Caitlyn's ears were pierced!

And, of course, she needed to receive earrings as a present despite not being able to wear them for a couple of months ;)

The weather for Caitlyn's party was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!!  With the 10 inches of fresh snow, the girls played outside on our sledding hill for an hour, and had snowball fights.  There was NO wind, and the temps were in the upper 40s.  ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!

Some party-crafting time happened too, all the while singing to Frozen playing the background.  Ah yes... the Frozen frenzy has hit this part of the world too!

The crafted stained-glass sun-catchers are giving us HOPE that Spring is nearing, so all that time was very worthwhile!  ;)  With the forecast of temps to be in the 40s/50s and even 60s! over the next 5 days, I'll be curious to see how much snow remains once Friday hits.  

The seedlings are growing, giving us hopeful reminders as well that Spring and Summer loom on the horizon.

And check this out!  While shopping Friday night, I peeked over the plants that were on sale.  
It says, "I am COFFEE PLANT."
Psht!  I'll take it!  We'll see if it does anything special besides just "be green."

Last weekend, I started a new project using one of the designs from my Crochet Stitch Designs book.  I'm calling this Harmonic.  I have intentions of going big with it as a throw afghan, but it IS a bit putzier than many of the stitches I've done before.  
When shopping, I was pulled into the yarn section and couldn't resist grabbing some new colors to play around with...

After the birthday party concluded, I set aside Harmonic and I started a NEW lil' ripple project.  Candace decided on the order of the colors, and NATURALLY she assumed....."And it'll be a new blanket for me, right Mom?"

There's plenty going on, and I'm sure there are a few things that should be placed higher on the priority list, but right now... I like working with these Aztec colors.  

There ya go then.

Happy Sunday.


  1. Looks like a great snow day! I do miss having extra unexpected free time in the middle of winter. It does look like perfect weather for a snowball fight though. Sydney got her ears pierced on her 10th birthday too! She was so excited at Thanksgiving to finally be able to wear danglies! Great progress of the QOV blocks. I need to add those to my "to do" list.

  2. Looks like she had a wonderful birthday! How fun to spend it with her sisters playing and doing crafts, thats just awesome! Love the colors of your Celtic solstice, its going to be gorgeous!

  3. I am sure the girls feel all grown up at 10 when they get their ears pierced! I had Hannah's done when she was about 4 months old, lol. Everyone thought she was a boy til after that, lol! Love that the girls never tire of another new blanket! Yay for Kevin's blocks and CS!

  4. Happy birthday Caitlyn! It looks like you all had a blast! Look at you go on those QOV blocks! WOW! They look amazing! Thanks for the shout out friend!

  5. Looks like you had a great time! Always fun stuff going on at your house! I want to come -)
