
Sunday, November 30, 2014

New start - Always Time

Bonnie's mystery quilt of 2014 has begun, and of COURSE I'm eager to participate.  I hadn't chosen fabrics, so after arriving home Friday afternoon after celebrating Thanksgiving at my parent's house, I spent some time in the sewing room.  I had a stack of luscious lilacs/sages/olives that I was hoping would fit the bill, but..... *sigh*.... no matter how I sorted them, varied them, added to them.... 
... they weren't working out with Bonnie's requests.
And, in a weird silly moment, I begged the silent aura of Bonnie for forgiveness.  I chose to push pause on her mystery.  I needed to work with these fabrics!

Friday evening, I spent in front of the television with stacks and stacks of quilt magazines.  I'm thankful I've been able to ignore the little voice in my head that often tells me  I need to reduce my pile of magazines, thinking I'll NEVER make a quilt from a pattern.  By the time I headed to bed, I had narrowed my choices to four that I felt would work with the fabric amounts on hand.

Saturday morning, I finalized it to the Ramblin' Aunt Sukey pattern.  I've made this pattern before for Cathy's Aunt Sukey, back in 2008.  It's a lovely, elegant pattern. 

The morning was spent cutting up most of the units.  It's crazy how much time it takes to cut all of these pieces, but yet...... there's SO little to show!
I would have loved to begin sewing, but I had a wedding to attend of a very special young lady.

Bright and 5:00 early this morning though, I was up raring to dive into the project.

Hours later (7?), the blocks are completed and are resting on the carpeted area, waiting to be sewn into a quilt top.  Today was a wonderfully productive day :D  After working on it for hours, I think it'll suitable fit the name, Always Time.

My Green Bay Packer scrap leader-ender project is growing nicely on the design wall.  I have no definite size in mind;  I'll just keep adding until it reaches (no larger than) a queen size.

Now, I have decisions to make!  I would love to continue tackling this collection of yarn odds-n-ends in a new 'Scrap Ripple' afghan, but, sadly, I think my school work needs to take some precedence.  (At least long enough for me to know what I'm planning to do tomorrow!)  And soon---the Packer game is on!


  1. Wow - when you put your mind to something you get results quickly! Love your quilt and that stash of yarn.

  2. What a great productive day! So glad you found just the right pattern to use for your beautiful fabric collection. Knowing what to teach tomorrow is probably a good plan. Glad you enjoyed your week off though.

  3. Wow... you really used your time well!
    I totally know what you mean about the magazines :)

  4. That is a beautiful quilt and pattern!

  5. You've done a marvellous job on the quilt. Love the colours you used. I often use my books and magazines as inspiration....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  6. I am in shock! LOL putting off Bonnie's mystery! I know you will catch up in no time and your other projects look fab--especially that Packer quilt, I need to start another one of those! :)

  7. SO that's what you were doing with that fabric? It really is elegant looking! I have been itching to learn how to crochet thanks to people like you! LOL
