
Saturday, June 13, 2015

RSC and Talkin' Turkey scraps

In case you haven't noticed, it's summer vacation around this place!
What is this... my sixth post now in just a few days???  :D
My days have typically been starting around 5-6AM by CHOICE.  And, if you've been following, gardening a'plenty lately.

But today, I sewed!!  All. Day.
Angela's Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color for June (light blue) was first on my agenda.  Andee and I are teaming up this year, each creating an alternate block that will play nicely with each other.  Take a look at her blue block.  We are both very excited about this quilt coming together at the end of the year.

Then, I tackled getting caught up on all the colors so far this year;  I only had purple left to do.  I perceived myself being further behind than that.... hm!   AND, I'm ahead of the ballgame, having done some red blocks back in January.  How's that for ambition?!

Once done with the alternating block, I tidied up the cutting mat, taming scraps as I went.  Rather than tucking some of the scraps off into their drawer hiding places, they were sewn up into some Scrappy Talkin' Turkey block centers. 
Once these eight are finished, I'll have 16 blocks up on the design wall.  As most projects in the past year or so, I have no plans other than...."let's make another block.  And another.  And another?"  When I get tired of making them, they (usually?) get pieced into a quilt center and set aside for a time when border inspiration hits me.  (THAT's not very often though) :(

Now.... perhaps some crochet.
Happy Saturday!


  1. You go girl! Enjoy the quilting mojo now before the harvest starts in ernest. Beautiful blocks!

  2. Both sets of blocks are wonderful! Nice job! Talkin Turkey is on my wish list...soon soon!!

  3. Your block ALL look FABULOUS!!! They make me want to race off to the sewing room to make MORE blocks!!!

  4. THose are such great blocks!!! I have 9 patches - now I want to play too

  5. You're on a roll! Great work this week. Love the Talkin' Turkey blocks.

  6. I LOVE all your colorful blocks!

  7. Glad to see you posting again. I enjoy seeing all your many & varied projects, although I don't share your passion for gardening.

  8. I can't wait to see your's and Andee's quilt collaborations! YUM! Let's ALL get on the Talkin' Turkey team together! LOL
