
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Slow-Stitch Sunday & gardening

Wanting to use up some yarns that have been sitting around, a scrapghan was started a couple of weeks ago using Attic24's Cosy Stripe Blanket pattern.
Tonight, I'm kicking back, watching some Olympic Trials in Track-n-Field, stitching away and merely relaxing.  Nothing fancy, but functional.  It's time again to link up with Kathy's Slow-Stitch Sunday posts.

Our gardens are well into the growing season... 
corn fertilized with nitrogen to promote growth

weeding the upper vegetable garden with the family...

... and raspberry season is just starting to come into swing.

We broke away from the homestead for an hour so that Caitlyn was able to break in her kayak, "Bluejay."  The beach was packed with about 3.2 million people, however, the small secluded non-power-boat launching area was as quiet as could be.  Beautiful afternoon.


  1. Look forward to seeing your cosy blanket! I've also made that pattern and loved the process!

  2. So awesome to see what you're up to these days!
    Totally jealous of that blue kayak!!

  3. Funny how life and blogging waxes and wanes! I have been neglecting my sewing and blogging for awhile and lately found mojo again. I hope with winter coming on you will have time to sew and share with us again too!
