
Monday, May 19, 2008

Procrastinating... I may not QUITE have this mentality YET about running, tonight's run was MUCH more enjoyable than any so far since I've started up again. The wind finally wasn't a factor; but it was raining lightly. I ran the 3.2 miles course again, this time in 35:42. So.....I'm getting there. OH, AND for most of the run, I was tinkering with my HR band and watch, trying to figure out why I was registering "dead." I had a 0% HR for most of the run, so......considering......35:42 isn't too bad for a dead chick! :0)

As promised, here are the pictures from the graduation....

Julie and myself

Julie and Cassie

And I thought I'd share a few pics of Candance from this weekend......
.....between getting busted with the baby powder...

...or the 2008 version of "stacking blocks".....

I don't think I'll get any quilting done tonight. As the title of this post eludes, I'm procrastinating! I have a stack of Math 8 "Can you eat Healthy at Mcdonals's for a week?" rough-drafts that are calling my name. So.....that is TOP priority, and then, I'll probably be too drained for quilting.....

Happy Monday....


  1. I'm not sure who looks the cutest! I should think you're just about running on empty by this end of term.

  2. I just noticed the running log in your margin, what a nice idea. I think I'll have to try it. Way to get back out there. I know how discouraging it is when you aren't as fast as you used to be, but at least you are out there.
