
Sunday, May 18, 2008

WHERE did the weekend go?

*slumping into chair*
*kicking up feet*

No pictures tonight---to tired to mess with downloading.

Yesterday's schedule:
Woke at 7:15; breakfast, shower, "groom" myself and Cassie; do a few loads of laundry, wash dishes, pick up house; headed to the Twin Cities at 10:00. Arrive at Twin Cities at 12:15; ate a little lunch with Julie and her family (see previous post for an introduction of Julie). 1:00; headed to Graduation ceremony. The ceremony was a bit long, with one extremely boring speaker, but tolerable. One thousand ten graduates crossed the platform; whew! It took 1 hour and 20 minutes to recite everyone's name as they crossed. So 4:30, ceremony was over. Headed back to Julie's for some munchies; said bye to her family; and headed off to the Mall of America, since all Zoo's were closing at 5:00. We took Cass on a rollercoaser (her FIRST); hung out for a couple of hours, and headed home at 8:30pm . Arrived home at 11:00 pm, and fell into bed with Cass.
No quilting Saturday.

Today's schedule:
Woke at 6:28; breakfast and cartoons. Started grading test papers at 7:00; stayed on top of keeping the laundry machine loaded; finished the last bit of "homework" at 9:10. Threw bed linens into washing machine, loaded dishwasher and hand washed other dishes. At 10:15, upstairs to pick up the loft area and the girls' bedrooms. At 11:00, outside to plant a quarter of the garden. At 12:15, inside to make lunch. 12:45, downstairs to complete sewing the Stars-n-Stripes rows together and started putting on borders. 1:30, upstairs to check on Candace, and fell asleep next to her. (YEAH!!!!!, But WHY do I feel guilty about that?!?!?!) 2:15, woke and made a snack for Caitlyn and Cassie; back outside to plant two more rows of corns. 3:00, afternoon "lunch" for Paul who just came home from his job-site, hauling wood. 3:45, loaded the truck with entire family, and went to Dad's job site to help him haul the next load. 4:00-7:00; cut and carried wood to trailer. 7:20, dropped off back at home; made supper for girls. 8:00, rush-readied the girls for bed, 8:15 tucked in. 8:25; pulled bed linens from the dryer and made bed. 8:35; laid on bed, SOOO tempted to just go to sleep. 8:50, shushed Paul off to the shower (Peee-Uuuuu!) and logged on to Internet. 9:10---current time.

Good night everyone! I'm tired, don't mean to whine, but I'm bummmmed I wasn't able to put more time into quilting this weekend. *sigh*

I do have darling photos from yesterday, and will HOPEFULLY be certain to get those up tomorrow.

Where DID this weekend go?!?!??


  1. Wow, I'm worn out just reading about your weekend. No wonder you're exhausted, and now you've got to work at school all week. Sometimes life just jumps up and slaps you in the face, shouting, and then you just have to get on with it. But it sounds as if you had a lot of fun too, especially on Saturday - lovely to get the chance to get out with just one of your daughters. Have a good week.

  2. Sounds like you packed a lot of livin' into one week-end. It was a well rounded week-end, except for the relaxing part. Someday, you'll be retired like me, and when you read about the joys of a young family, you will feel a little envy, but for now, I hope you can get a little rest soon.

  3. I had to laugh when I saw that one of your labels was "chaos". Could I just make one huge label called chaos and hang it over my whole life? I think you've inspired me to make a new label named "entropy". It is the one unifying thing in my life right now. One of my graduating seniors this year wrote me a lovely thank you card and said the most important thing she had ever learned from me was the concept of entropy because it explained everything!
